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International O3 Congress - Oxygen Medicine:

3rd International Symposium in O3 Ozone Applications

O3 Ozone in Medicine

Ozone in Medicine - June 27th 24th to 30th, 2000

Logo - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas



International O3 Congress - Oxygen Medicine:

3rd International Symposium in O3 Ozone Applications

O3 Ozone in Medicine

Ozone in Medicine - June 27th 24th to 30th, 2000








B. Cloves (a), L. Lopez (a), G. Suarez (a), JL Perez (b), M. Lloret (a), M. Santana (a), V. Rodriguez (c), D. Macías (b), Morera (d), F. Robaina (d) and M. Günderoth (e). 
(a) Pine Hospital: Radiation Oncology-Research Unit, Las Palmas, Spain,
(b) Pine Hospital: Medical Physics Unit, Las Palmas, Spain,
(c) The Paterson Center, Las Palmas, Spain,
(d) Pine Hospital: Chronic Pain Unit, Las Palmas, Spain,
(e) Helzel Medical Systems, Germany.


There are studies FEW About Mechanisms of ozonetherapy's action (or 3 T). We analyze Their effect on oxygen partial pressure in tibialis anterior muscle. 25 subjects were Studied Patients Were Treated for non-ischemic disorders in legs. Applied Ozone Hyperbaric WAS by autohemotherapy, 3 alternating days over one week. Muscle pO 2 (in mmHg) Was Measured by polarographic probes, four times. 


There results are: 

1) 150 to 200 every time Determinations Pooled data of pO 2 (Kruskal-Wallis test): significant increase of muscle pO 2 : p <0.001. 

2) Correlation Between Individual "Increase Factor of pO 2 "and" initial median pO2 value "was inverse and significant (Spearman's rho = - 0.796, p <0.001. 

3) Inverse Correlation between "Age" and "Increase Factor POS3" (rho = - 0.541, p = 0.005). 

4) Linear Regression study Showed dependence of "Increase POS3 Factor" with the "inverse of initial pO2 value": adjusted R 2 = 0.567, p <0.001. There Was a marginal dependence with "Age": p = 0.075. 


Increases Ozonetherapy pO 2 in ischemic muscles and MOST might be useful THEREFORE Improve oxygenation in ischemic to tissues.








B. Cloves (a), L. Lopez (a), G. Suarez (a), JL Perez (b), M. Lloret (a), M. Santana (a), V. Rodriguez (c), D. Macías (b), Morera (d), F. Robaina (d) and M. Günderoth (e). 

(a) Pine Hospital: Radiation Oncology-Research Unit, Las Palmas, Spain,
(b) Pine Hospital: Medical Physics Unit, Las Palmas, Spain,
(c) The Paterson Center, Las Palmas, Spain,
(d) Pine Hospital: Chronic Pain Unit, Las Palmas, Spain,
(e) Helzel Medical Systems, Germany.


Hypoxic tumor cells are 2.5 - 3 times more resistant to radiotherapy, With Higher Potential metastatic than normoxic cells. Tumor hypoxia is an independent Prognostic factor in head and neck and uterine cervix tumors. 


As Has Been Demonstrated by the meta-analysis of the Multicenter Overgaard and clinical trials, hypoxia modification prior to or DURING the course of radiotherapy can increase the Improve Effectiveness of Treatment and prognosis. 


Ozonetherapy (O 3 T) Has Been Used to treat ischemic disorders. This study Evaluated the effect of O3 on tumor pO T 2 in humans. We study 16 Patients with Advanced or relapsed cancer:


Male: Female 13:3, Between 50 to 91 years old. O3 Carried out by T WAS autohemotransfusion 3 alternating days over one week. Tumour pO 2 Measured by WAS to polarographic probe system, four times. There Were Determinations 150-200 every time.


 DURING OR 3 T There Was significant increase (Friedman test: p = 0.013) in tumor oxygenation and hypoxic fractions of DECREASE, With Prolonged effect. There Was significant inverse correlation Between Individual and "Increase Factor" and "initial pO 2 value ": higher increase in oxygenation Those INITIALLY worse oxygenated tumors (Spearman rho = - 0.885, p <0.001.


These Findings support ozone That Could be a useful therapy adjuvant in Treatment of hypoxic tumors.








National Institute of Angiology and Vascular Surgery,
Ozone Research Center.


The aim of this study was to verify, in patients with chronic venous insufficiency ulcers and lower limb arterial ischemia subacute, which were prescribed ozone therapy, the presence or absence of inhibition of platelet aggregation.


Participated in the study 9 subjects of both sexes (49 to 81 years), who denied having used in a previous period of at least 1 month of antiplatelet drugs (aspirin, dipyridamole, policosanol, ticlopidine). 


In these patients were administered daily, rectally, 200 mL of ozone at a concentration of 50 mg / L, in some cases combined with local treatment of ozone by plastic bags, for a total of 10 to 20 sessions. After 12 to 14 h of fasting blood samples were obtained which were collected in plastic tubes containing sodium citrate and centrifuged at 1500 rpm for 5 min to obtain platelet rich plasma (PRP). The remainder was centrifuged at 3 500 rpm to obtain platelet poor plasma (PPP). 


Platelet aggregation in PRP was induced by addition of increasing concentrations of epinephrine into the incubation medium. 


Platelet aggregation found at the beginning of ozone treatment had an average of 38.19% and a range of 66.25 to 12.5%, while at the end of treatment decreased to an average of 14.37% and a range of 28.75 to 6.25%. 


The percentage of platelet aggregation decreased in the final study, denoting the presence of an inhibition of platelet aggregation following ozone, by a biochemical mechanism as yet unidentified, although it has been suggested by inhibition of ozone transduction signal platelet aggregation.








Medical Surgical Research Center


Venous insufficiency is one of the most common problems that motivates the consulting therapists, angiologists and general practitioners, medical management remains the most accepted sclerotherapy for microvarix. 


As for the therapy of different forms of superficial varicose veins with or without chronic venous insufficiency can be controversial if the varices should be treated with surgery or sclerotherapy method in every single case, so it is very important the previous experience of optional when deciding the approach. 


Every day technical progress and the incorporation of new knowledge they gain space to display sclerotherapy for varicose veins and leaving the classical surgical therapy for the trunk of the great saphenous vein. 


The microvarix can cause different symptoms that are troublesome for patients because they often may or may not be related to superficial veins or incompetent perforating veins in such cases are spider veins and treatment required due to aesthetic problems. 


We present in this study a total of 72 patients with a diagnosis of microvarix to which he was treated with ozone gas injected directly into the microvarix by sessions three times a week. 


All were evolved and controlled for about a year through the outpatient clinic which saw the evolution symptomatology and vascular status of each patient. It was shown that ozone therapy is useful for removing microvarix no complications.








Medical and Surgical Research Center
Ozone Research Center.


This work aims to show the evolution of 1000 patients treated with ozone therapy intratonsilar tonsillitis diagnosed with chronic, patients have been followed up to a year after treatment, realizándoles microbilógicos controls (pharyngeal exudate and TASO) and physical examinations of the oropharyngeal region. 


Another objective was to demonstrate that oxidative stress occurred in patients treated by studies in blood and bronchial washings. To achieve this goal, chose 10 patients who underwent diagnostic of oxidative stress in blood before and after treatment and another group of 10 patients who underwent bronchial lavage to determine whether there was or not oxidative stress. 


The results were satisfactory in both groups, as well as patient outcomes, both from the standpoint of physical examination, and the microbiological aspect.








Provincial Center of Retinitis Pigmentosa,
Military Clinical Hospital.


We performed a retrospective longitudinal study in 40 patients with degenerative maculopathy and involutional central serous chorioretinopathy, from January 1998 to December 1999, at the Provincial Center of Retinitis Pigmentosa of Camagüey with the objective of demonstrating the effectiveness of therapy ozone in these pathologies. 


Were selected and studied all patients diagnosed in the office of the Provincial Center of Retinitis Pigmentosa; realizándoseles refraction, perimetry, color test and Amsler grid, and the fundus examination. Ozone was administered rectally at 15 sessions at a concentration of 50 mg / L, all patients were followed by outpatient treatment and quarterly for one year. 


After treatment it was observed that patients had a favorable outcome, demonstrating the effectiveness of this therapy with complete recovery by achieving favorable changes in visual acuity, visual field and color vision.








Ozone Research Center

Chronic simple glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness and visual disability in the world.  Given the mechanism of action of ozone and the magnetic field and the pathophysiology of the disease, a study was conducted to evaluate the therapeutic effect of these techniques.  We studied 200 patients who were administered ozone therapy, magnetic field and the combination of both. 


We assessed visual function and nerve and intraocular pressure. Improvement was observed in visual acuity between 69 and 72% and visual field between 59 and 76%. There was a trend to lower intraocular pressure and the p-wave latency 100 of visual evoked potentials. In addition, another study in 220 patients in the initial stage of the disease and analyzed the influence of the action of ozone and its combination with the magnetic field. 


Was also obtained very good results, highlighting the improvement in ocular hidrodenomia when the initial parameters were subnormal, based mainly on the increase in outflow facility of aqueous humor, and even without the use of local hypotensive treatment. 


This shows that these methods of treatment should be applied in latent stage of the disease even though not present clinical manifestations.







OZ-PO-045: O3 OZONE RECTAL in retinitis pigmentosa visual field EVOLUTIONARY RESPONSE.

National Reference Center of Retinitis Pigmentosa
Ozone Research Center.

We performed a prospective longitudinal analytic in 17 patients with typical retinitis pigmentosa, who received rectal ozone therapy treatment at an ozone concentration of 50 mg / L, for 15 sessions. Underwent Goldman kinetic perimetry at baseline and monthly post-treatment, culminating the year. We found visual field improvement (> 25%) of basal area in 88.23% of patients treated, this being highest in the first month and equal to 76.47% with an average improvement of 42.87% of baseline


Applying analytical methods for estimating linear total variation was found, with the average baseline of 288 0 , which under estractificados analysis was only statistically significant (p = 0.014) in the first 6 months. There was statistically significant difference in mean visual field area, comparing the baseline and the average first half (z = 27), but not the second half (z = 1.13). The average visual field stabilization and loss of statistical significance of variation was 6.83 months. 


We conclude that there is a temporary positive effect of ozone therapy on the visual field limited to the first 7 months post treatment.








G. Rovira (a), L. Lopez (a), G. Suarez (b), M. Santana (b), B. Nail (b), JL Perez (b), M. Lloret (b), V. Rodriguez (c), D.Macías (b), MA Hernandez (b), R. Martin (b) and F. Robaina (b). 

(a) Chiron Clinic: Ozonetherapy Unit, Barcelona,
(b) Dr. Negrin Hospital: Radiation Oncology-ResearchUnit, Medical Physics Unit, Chronic Pain Unit, Las Palmas, Spain,
(c) La Paterna Medical Center, Las Palmas , Spain.


Hyperbaric chambers and local ozonetherapy (O3 U) Routines are to treat delayed ischemic Wounds and not scaring in Cancer Patients. Wounds heal in Irradiated areas Slowly and, Sometimes, surgical delay can Wounds The Beginning of the chemotherapy and or radiotherapy. We show our experience Treating These Wounds With Events or 3 T.


From 1990 to 1999 our hospitals Have Treated 28 Patients with delayed scaring, 12 in Previously Irradiated areas. Surgery Has Been Carried out in 7 occasions without success. 


Male: Female 10: 18. Age: 55 ± 14 (21 - 94). Scars Were 56 ± 48 (12-182) days old. Areas Were 43 ± 79 (0.6 - 293) cm 2 . Fourteen scars Patients Were in breast cancer. The O 3 / O 2 gas mixture generated from medical WAS concentration of oxygen at 20 to 70 mg / mL. O 3 Carried out by T WAS local techniques (bags, catheters), 23 to 30 minutes 1 to 3 times / week.  DURING O3T, two received radiotherapy and 7 Wounds chemotherapy. 


Data are Showed as: Mean ± standard deviation (minimum-maximum). Scars Were Healed in 27 ± 11 (4 - 150) days, with 7 ± 3 (2 - 22) O 3 T sessions. In eleven Patients WAS Programmed surgery avoided. 


Local ozonetherapy is an useful treatment: to:

A) Accelerate healing Wounds in Previously Irradiated areas

B) Avoid delays to start chemotherapy and / or delayed radiotherapy in Patients with scaring after oncologic surgery.







OZ-PO-047: Inhibition of Interleukin-8 Synthesis intraarticular BY OXYGEN / OZONE O3 THERAPY IN PATIENTS WITH rheumatoid arthritis.

Z. Fahmy 
Augusta Klinik, Bad Kreuznach, Germany.


5 Patients with definite rheumatoid arthritis and knee effusions under constant doses of therapy NSARD Were Treated with up to 6 intraarticular (ia) injections every 3 to 7 days. Oxygen / ozone randomized matched controls who received a single group of 40 mg triamcinolone iainjection hexatonide (CT) Was Monitored According To the Same protocol.


The intraarticular granulocyte counts and IL-8 Levels decreases in oxygen / ozone Patients Treated on day 10-13 and stayes low in Those Patients Who could be re-Evaluated after 13 weeks. Compared to the IL-8 Levels, the other tested cytokine Levels Showed only minor changes file on day 10-13. There Was no need for a re-injection in the TC group DURING 13 weeks study phase. 


We Conclude That intraarticular oxygen / ozone therapy results in a DECREASE of SF-granulocyte counts. This effect may be due to the impairment of IL-8 mediated chemotaxis by IL-8 synthesis Decreased in synovial fluid mononuclear cells. 


Clinically, Repeated intraarticular oxygen / ozone therapy results in a worse outcome than iasteroid 13 week Treatment Measured in an intention-to-treat analysis.








Medical and Surgical Research Center.


Chronic osteomyelitis with fistula symptomatic secreting courtship, pyoderma pyogenic and pocket formation, is a condition of surgical solution. However, this, phenomena associated with sepsis, bone sclerosis and edema, cause a local decrease of oxygen that alters the tissue response against infection. 


That's when ozone acts as an adjuvant for its action phenomenon of biological oxygenation, stimulation of defense systems, increased tissue oxygen and also its local germicidal action, either as gas or by reacting it with vegetable oils. 


Based on the above ozone therapy was applied, along with common surgical procedures in 30 patients (Group A) and 10 patients (Group B), when procederes had been completed and wanted to prevent reactivation of the process. Ozone was applied by intramuscular injection, by autohemotherapy greater and local treatment (in bags and sub-atmospherically), along with ozonized oil cures. 


In Group A, 76% of patients achieved excellent and good results from, the suspended drainage, adequate skin coverage available and create a space suitable for bone grafts or other procedures within 60 days of testing. 


In group B was prevented recurrence after 30 d of application, 80% of patients.  Our results give a high value of ozone therapy in the treatment of sepsis of the members.








Alfonsa Martin. Valladolid, Spain.


Autohemotherapy greater ozone has been used in different diseases that are related by the existence of an oxidative stress, a poor supply of oxygen to tissues and (or) alterations of the immune system. 


In this context, we present the results of a 65 years old in order to achieve a drug detoxification. As is known this disorder is generally associated with the existence of an oxidative stress caused by the drugs. 


This patient had years where chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with a number of medications that far from improving their problem caused him a number of ailments chain that led to the suspension with body aches and other symptoms associated. It also presents the results obtained with a patient 64 years of age treated with ozone therapy began, for more autohemoterpia after being operated on for adenocarcinoma of the breast and colon, in order to prevent metastasis. 


Cancerous processes are generally related to oxidative stress, tissue hypoxia and (or) immunosuppression, which fully justifies the use of ozone therapy in this condition. 


Both patients were treated weekly with a total amount of 3000 micrograms of the mixture ozone / oxygen. From the 5th week, the two patients began to experience significant improvements to achieve a full recovery, currently maintaining activity and normal life. T


his improvement was evaluated with clinical criteria different analytical tests corroborated the results. In the case of adenocarcinomas operated patient failed to find any new neoplastic indications via endoscopic procedures and nuclear magnetic resonance.


It is concluded that ozone therapy as alternative or complementary therapy, has a high value therapeutic and preventive of many diseases that plague mankind.








Dirk Yow. 
Tahoma Clinic, Kent, Washington, USA.


This paper reviews the outcome of a combination of ozone therapy with colonics Administered (herbal enema) Passed on Through the methods in the naturopathic tradition in the USA, in the last three years. 


The relationship of ozone and Its oxidative properties along side an Ability to Enhance the colonyc hydrotherapy in a variety of responses related to Various Factors Symptoms and Ailments will be discuss. 


250 Patients (men and women With An Age range Between 15 and 85) Were Into received therapy in the Colon Therapy Department by self referral, after an evaluation of a health questionnaire performed by the medical director, or by referral from a physician. 


Of the Patients Were Treated the best Indications: gastro-intestinal complaints, cutaneous Conditions, malaise and chronic fatigue, arthritic Conditions and others. 


It is postulated That the methods of Achieving Benefit accrue through:

1.Drainage and Treatment of infected Tissues,

2. Breaking the vicious cycles in formation of self-intoxification,

3. Building up immunity Against Infection, infectious organisms specific


5. Defining primary and secondary foci foci. 

The clinical Benefit ratio for this form of therapy, as an adjunct to other Modalities, is favorable.








Arabali Zolfagharian. 
Cordoba, Argentina.


Multicenter study was conducted where 45 female patients were treated for their disorders of adipose tissue "localized lipodystrophy." One of the groups was made on oxygen-ozone therapy treatment for six weeks with a biweekly frequency, since this therapy for their physiological effects has proven effective in many diseases of circulatory origin acting on unsaturated fatty acids. 


In the control group underwent treatment with mesotherapy cocktail of lipolytic enzymes and vasoactive. Efficacy was assessed by skin biopsies and photographic image. 


According to the assessment of histological changes and imaging performed in both groups showed a significant benefit of treatment with oxygen-ozone therapy with respect to mesotherapy and vasoactive lipolytic enzyme.








Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a growing problem worldwide in the medical, psychiatric, neurological, epidemiological, economic and fundamentally human. Free radicals that cause membrane lipid peroxidation, disruption of nucleic acids, protein oxidation, is one of the etiopathogenic factors in AD. 


Given that ozone is able to activate antioxidant defense systems, and improve tissue oxygenation study was conducted in 45 patients with senile dementia of Alzheimer type likely. 


Patients were divided randomly into three groups: ozone (rectally), magnetic and combined treatment. We defined three types of response: regression or improvement, progression, and no answer, according to the scale of global impairment and age-dependent Alzheimer's disease (GDS) and the mini-mental state examination and the relative standard and the medical team as to improvement in psychiatric and behavioral manifestations and other parameters that measure quality of life. 


Response was obtained regression or improvement in 60% of cases with combined magnetic and ozone therapy, a month of treatment, which was maintained in 46.6% of patients still at six months of treatment, no response was obtained with the use of magnetic field or ozone as isolated methods. 


There were no subsequent manifestations of toxicity that forced the suspension of treatment.








National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery.


It is known that cerebrovascular disease is the third leading cause of death worldwide and in our country. Given the therapeutic properties of ozone and its various medical applications such as in peripheral vascular disease, optic neuropathy, ischemic heart disease, etc.., A study was conducted in 60 patients with acute ischemic stroke. All patients underwent CT of the head, to elucidate the etiology of stroke, as well as auditory and visual evoked potentials and cerebral blood flow at the beginning and end of treatment. 


Was applied, along with the appropriate medication for comorbid disease, rectal ozone at 72 h of stroke established, beginning with 150 mL of gas, the first three sessions and from the fourth with 250 mL until the end of treatment (15 sessions).


Improvement was observed in motor activity and higher mental, decreased latency auditory evoked potentials and visual and cerebral blood flow increase. In addition, there was an increase in performance and improvement in exercise endurance, benefiting greatly the early rehabilitation of the patient. 


In general, ozone accelerated the improvement of patients with acute ischemic stroke.








Medical and Surgical Research Center.


Modern treatment of migraine is characterized by the diversity of therapeutic measures, the implementation of which have been obtained more or less success. This situation has led to the continuous search for more effective therapeutic solutions or complementary to existing ones. 


A study in 15 patients with migraine than 5 years of evolution, regardless of age, sex and race. The first 5 patients received intravenous ozone (autohemotherapy higher ozone at a dose of 10 mg) and the remaining 10 rectally (10 mg) in two cycles of 15 sessions each with three m between a and another cycle.Patients were assessed clinically at the beginning and end of each cycle. 


80% of patients reported no migraine attacks after the first cycle and 93.3% after the second.








Surgical Clinical Teaching Military Hospital
Provincial Pediatric Hospital
Center of Retinitis Pigmentosa.


We performed a longitudinal analytical study of cases and controls in 80 patients with acute viral hepatitis, from September 1996 until January 1999, at the Military Hospital Surgical Clinical Teaching "Dr. Octavio de la Concepción and Pedraja" Camaguey . 


All patients were chosen ranging from 15 to 49 years old. For the diagnosis of hepatitis was fulfilled the clinical and laboratory criteria. In 40 patients formed the study group were administered the conventional treatment (rest, diet) and ozone, the 40 remaining patients, who constituted the control group was applied only conventional treatment. 


Ozone was administered daily, rectally at a concentration of 55 mg / L, for a total of 10 treatments. All patients included in the study were admitted to our center to establish equal in both groups.


During the first week of treatment with ozone held regression of the symptoms.  All patients achieved healing at the end of treatment. Under conventional therapy these symptoms remained for more than 10 d healing lasted until 4 months and more. 


With these results we can say that ozone therapy with conventional therapy is useful for the treatment of acute viral hepatitis allowing rapid incorporation into the social and working life.








Noam A. Calderon and Teddy Kaufman. 
Division of Plastic Surgery, Bnai-Zion University Medical Center, Haifa, Israel.


Chronic Leg Ulcers Associated with a Risk of amputation Imply Challenges to the medical team. The aim of This study is to Assess the topical effects of ozone and oxygen on the healing process of long-enduring Ulcers of the lower leg, Which Have Not Previously responded to Conventional Modalities of Treatment. 


63 Patients Were included, who Sustained Leg Ulcers for a mean duration of 8.5 months, Suffering of diabetes mellitus or arterial insufficiency or venous, a combination of Them.  Patients with previously Were Eleven candidates for amputation of the limb in another institution. 


Conventional Treatment consisted of local wound care with topical adjuvant Treatment with ozone and oxygen Delivered unto the Wounds topically 3 times / week - Employing a newly Designed microclimate chamber. Healing WAS Assessed by serial digital photography and a computerized plannimetry, while bacteriology - by serial quantitative bacterial counts of the Affected wounds. Were not Observed side effects.  The mean number of treatments 28.5/patient WAS. 


In 49 Patients (including 11 who Were candidates for amputation with previously) or spontaneous healing Noted WAS, WAS skin grafting employed to the well-granulated wounds. 


Aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Staphiloccoccus Were eradicated within The 24 and 48 hours, respectivamente


Although no amelioration in 14 Patients Observed WAS, due to delayed dislough of the eschar, the bacteriostatic effects of ozone on plant's wound WAS significant.


In view of the beneficial effects of ozone, we recommend to extend the study weitere on a larger scale of Patients, and to compare STI effects on a controlled group of Patients.








Ozone Research Center.


Coconut oil is composed of a 97% triglycerides which are composed of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids which influence their physical and chemical characteristics. The reaction of ozone with unsaturated fatty acids from coconut oil generates the formation of fragments with carbonyl groups, carboxylic and peroxy, which can be related to their biological activity.


In the present study were characterized and compared statistically the three systems (coconut oil, coconut oil and coconut oil water with ethanol), for this analysis techniques were used in determining volmétricas peroxide, acidity, as well as an analytical technique for measuring viscosity. Furthermore, identified by NMR 1 H and the reaction products were tested for antimicrobial activity of the three systems studied. Ozonized coconut oil with ethanol reached higher levels of peroxides and acidity when compared with other systems. 


This result suggests that there is greater decomposition of peroxides leading to increased formation of acids. The coefficientes of variation in both indices were lower than 10% showing high accuracy in the determinations. Were identified by NMR 1 H reaction products which were ozonides, hydroperoxides and aldehydes. Antimicrobial activity was evaluated in the three tested products having a greater spectrum of activity ozonized coconut oil with ethanol.








Ozone Research CenteR
National Center for Scientific Research.


The components of the polar fraction of OLEOZON ® Were Identified and Quantified by a combination of a liquid-liquid extraction method with Gas Chromatographic (GC) and Gas Chromatographic-Mass Spectrometry Techniques (GC-MS).Saturated and unsaturated aldehydes and carboxylic acids I were the main products found. Hexanal, nonanal and 3-nonenal I were the main components of the polar fraction of OLEOZON ® . 


The aldehyde concentration Higher Than Was an order the respective carboxylic acid. Good linearity WAS Proven Within The concentration range from 0.01 to 0.1 mol / L for aldehydes and from 0.001 to 0.01 mol / L for carboxylic acids, According To the values of the correlation coefficient (> 0.999). The values of recovery Obtained in the assay accuracy Were Higher Than 90% for all the aldehydes and carboxylic acids Assayed. 


The variation from the repeatability study Coefficients Were lower than 2% for all the Studied compounds. The detection limit for Both kind of compounds Was In the Same order (10-6 mol / L) and lower than the orders Some concentration of the aldehydes and carboxylic acids in the real sample (10-3 -10 to 1 mol / L) . 


The analytical method employed WAS linear, accurate, precise and sensitive Studied under the Conditions and allowed the identification of the compounds present in the Different polar fraction of OLEOZON ® .







OZ-PO-059: ON THE ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF O3 OLEOZON ® Gram-Positive Species. Collection strains and clinical isolates multiresistant.

Ozone Research Center,
National Center for Scientific Research.


Ozonized sunflower oil, OLEOZON ® has proven to be an effective antimicrobial agent against various bacterial species.The aim of this work was to study the in vitro activity of OLEOZON ® on Gram-positive species, both collection strains as multidrug-resistant crops. Concentrations were determined Minimum Inhibitory and Bactericidal (MIC and MBC). 


In addition, studies of mortality simultaneous kinetic and electron microscopy. The results indicated that the OLEOZON ® is effective against all strains under study. The MICs were between 1.18 and 9.5 mg / mL, while the CMB were found in the range of 46.8 to 570 mg / mL. 


The process of mortality showed a first order kinetics with respect to the bacterial concentration.The time required for the lethality of the species tested was in the range of 60 min to 4 h. Electron microscopy studies showed greater damage to the cell cytoplasm.







OZ-PO-060: IN VITRO AND IN VIVO EFFECTS OF ORAL O3 OLEOZON ® Giardia lamblia trophozoites ON.

Institute of Basic and Preclinical Sciences,
Ozone Research Center,
National Center for Scientific Research,
Institute Tropical Medicine.


In the present paper in vitro and in vivo studies Were Carried out. Firstly, the in vitro inactivation capacity of OLEOZON ®on Giardia lamblia trophozoite cultures WAS Evaluated. Mean and maximum inactivation doses under controlled Conditions Were Determined, and the effect of OLEOZON ® on the Giardia lamblia ultrastructure by electron microscopy WAS Evaluated. 


In the second part of This work, Giardia lamblia trophozoites inactivation in inoculated gerbils WAS Evaluated Treated with OLEOZON ® . The effect of the Treatment on Several biochemical parameters in blood (glutathione peroxidase, catalase, glutathione S-transferase, Reduced gluthatione, superoxide dismuthase, conjugated dienes, uric acid, reactive Substances to thiobartituric acid and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase) Was Measured. 


Results show That, Depending on Dose and microorganism concentration, OLEOZON ® inactivates Giardia lamblia trophozoites by Damaging the cell structure provoking the death of parasites. No significative change in biochemical parameters Observed WAS. 


Under the Conditions of This experimental study, OLEOZON ® Showed to be Highly Effective in Disinfecting and inactivation of Giardia lamblia trophozoites and Its Effectiveness In This experimental model similar to the WAS Obtained by metronidazole.








Ozone Research Center.


One of the more Important problems in antibiotic therapy is the capability of bacteria to antibiotic multiresistance Developed. The Man With These microorganisms can contact be by Different Way (exp. Infection water, direct contact etc..). The oxidant property of ozone is Used in Water Treatment. 


The Objective of This work is to determine the ozone inactivation kinetic grampositive and gramnegative of Different bacterial strains from clinical isolation resist That concentration of chloride and more to compare with Reference strains Them. Concentrations of microorganisms The final experiments Were employed in from 10 May to 10 7 CFU / mL, and the chloride concentration WAS resistant Between 0.5 to 4.0 mg / L in water. The Ozone Concentrations in water from 0.36 to 2.0 Between Were mg / L. 


The result Suggest That antibiotic multiresistant strains resist more than the concentration of chloride reference strains, and the more resistant than are grampositive gramnegative strains. 


The ozone inactivation follow first order kinetic law to with Respect to the bacterial concentration, and a second kinetic order for ozone concentration. 


The order generally resistant to ozone is: antibiotic multiresistant strains more resistant than reference grampositive and gramnegative more resistant than strains.  There are statistics difference in ozone resistant strains of inside of Escherichia coli and coagulases positiveStaphylococcus species.








National Center for Laboratory Animal Production,
Ozone Research Center.


The reaction of ozone with lipids occurs exclusively at the level of carbon-carbon double bonds present in the polyunsaturated fatty acids, organic peroxides and generating ozonides, which in adequate amounts and controlled exert different biological actions, which give a set ozone therapeutic properties. 


In this work we studied the possible mutagenic effects of ozone applied rectally. We used analysis of bone marrow in NMRI mice by the micronucleus test and SPRD rats using the chromosome aberration test. Two concentrations were used ozone (50 and 75 mg / mL). As negative and positive controls were used oxygen and cyclophosphamide (40 mg / kg) respectively. 10 administrations were performed every 24 hours. At the end of treatment animals were sacrificed and processed for bone marrow preparations. 


The results show no evidence of cytotoxic or clastogenic (induction of chromosome aberrations) in the bone marrow of rodents treated.







OZ-P-063: O3 OZONE genotoxic effect of human peripheral blood leukocytes.

Centre for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Institute of Food and Drugs,
Biomedical Research Centre.


The genotoxic effect of ozone was studied in human leukocytes in vitro assay using the alkaline single cell electrophoresis (EACI). 


Treatment of cells, which was performed for 1 h at 37 ° C with 0.9 to 5.3 mmol / L of O3, led to an increase of DNA damage-dependent dose comparable to that induced by 4-40 mmol / L of H2O2, used as positive control.


This effect of ozone was reversed by incubation post-treatment of cells for 45-90 min at 37 ° C, and prevented by preincubation of cells with catalase (20 ug / mL). 


These results demonstrate that O3 induces DNA damage in human peripheral blood leukocytes. This damage is quickly repaired and probably mediated by the formation of H2O2 .








Centre for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Institute of Food and Drugs,
Biomedical Research Centre.


Treatment with ozone (O3) has gained prominence because of its efficacy in various diseases associated with deficits in antioxidant defenses. However, this has proven toxic gas inhalation and have been reported studies have demonstrated its mutagenic and genotoxic in microorganisms in animals and human cells in vitro. Colorectal insufflation of the pathways is the most widely used in therapy application and whereby the mucosal cells are directly exposed to the agent. 


To study the effect of treatment on colorectal cells as well as the effect on peripheral blood leukocytes was used the rat as an experimental model, which has been used successfully in other trials with O3. Rats were treated for 4 d with 42 mg / mL for body weight. It also used an untreated control (NT) and a positive control with bleomycin (BLM).


Samples were taken after different treatments with the gas. DNA damage occurred both in exfoliated cells and in leukocytes and showed a gradual increase of the length of migration and the percentage of damaged cells as a function of sampling time. 


The samples after 48 h of treatment indicate a trend toward recovery of the damage or removal of damaged cells nonviable. 


Through this study it is found that O3 damage generated both in cells directly exposed, as in leukocytes. In the latter case is probably due to the action of its reactive intermediates.







OZ-P-065: IS O3 OZONE INHALETED Carcinogen?

Siegfried Schulz. 
Veterinary Services, Philipp-University of Marburg / L Germany.


Ozone as a major constituent of smog Photochemical Has Been Suspected as a Risk Factor for the Development of lung cancer. The inhalation of ozone is Strongly Excluded for Therapeutic Strategies in the use of medical ozone, ozone inhalation But can not always be prevented in outdoor (atmosphere) and indoor (ozone user and patients) situations.


Whether ozone has Has Been Repeatedly carcinogen Potential Examined in isolated cell systems or in experimental animals. Mice seem to be the MOST sensitive Indicators for lung tumor carcinogenesis in comparison to rats. With a new design of Inhaled ozone (ultra short x high ppm) Compared our results we, from NMRI-mice, With That Calculated dosages of other authors and discussed This carcingenesis the steps of (inhibition-promotion-progression). 


Ozone is not a primary lung carcinogen Compared to Urethan (neumotropic carcinogen). Ozone Enhances the promotion of lung tumors Otherwise Initiated (pro-carcinogenesis) And Also inhibits the promotion (Anticarcinogenesis) Probably by direct cytotoxic effects. 


Inhaled ozone has a mitogenic activity on lung cells (Typ II pneumocytes cell hyperplasia) and by Malthus it Enhances the Risk for initiation of lung tumors (adenonas) Caused by Carcinogenic chemicals neumotropic.


There Was no Evidence for ozone carcinogenesis in NMRI-mice without a Carcinogenic drug.








ME Hidalgo (a) and LE Lissi G. (B).

Institute of Biological and Chemical Sciences, University of Valparaíso,
(b) School of Chemistry and Biology, University of Santiago de Chile, Chile.


In search of more information about the mechanism of ozone damage on human erythrocytes, we investigated the antioxidant action of trolox (6-hydroxy-2 ,5,7,8-tetramethyl chroman-2-carboxylic acid) by measuring the oxidation of hemoglobin (methemoglobin, hemicromo), osmotic fragility, activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase, hemolysis and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in both hemolysates and in intact erythrocytes. 


Blood samples were obtained from healthy volunteers (aged between 19 and 25 years). Ozone was generated by passing pure oxygen gas by an ultraviolet lamp at a flow rate of 50 mL / min. During exposure to ozone was observed protective effect of trolox: decreased TBARS production, consumption decreases oxidized hemoglobin and methemoglobin production and hemicromo both suspensions and hemolysis. 


The enzyme activity is maintained in the presence of the antioxidant.Previously we tested the action of thiourea, to assess the presence of hydroxyl radicals, checking a protective effect both hemolysates as suspensions. The solubility characteristics of trolox prevent it from catching lipophilic radicals within the membrane. 


Therefore its protective effect is confirmed that the ozone damage occurs primarily on the outside of the membrane, without penetration into the erythrocytes and that this damage involving hydroxyl radicals.








Mary O. Fox (a), Sarai River (a), Silvia Menendez (b), Ernesto Barber (a), Zullyt Zamora (b), Siegfried Schulz (c) and Maritza Victorio (a). 

(a) Institute of Basic Medical Sciences Preclinical,
(b) Ozone Research Center,
(c) University of Marburg, Germany.


Was used aseptic intraperitoneal inflammation model in order to study the effects of ozone therapy could have on the phagocytic activity. Were taken 36 female Wistar rats of 250 ± 18 g body weight and divided into two study groups: experimental (E), 18 rats treated with ozone for 5 gives rectal a daily dose of 24 mg / kg body weight and control (C), 18 rats treated with oxygen for 5 d rectal. 


At the end of treatment, all rats were implanted them under aseptic conditions, intraperitoneally, two sheets coverslips and then closed cavity. These slides were taken at 24 h (subgroups C1 and E1), at 3 (subgroup C3 and E3) and 4 d (subgroups C4 and E4), each subgroup containing 6 animals. Two hours before removal of the plates were inoculated with 0.5 mL of washed RBCs in saline rooster, which enable the evaluation of the phagocytic activity of mononuclear cell inflammation present in the sheets. The rats were anesthetized with a mixture xilaxin / ketamine, prior to extraction of the sheets. The cells attached to these sheets were fixed and set with reagent-May Grümwald Giensa and mounted on the corresponding slide. 


Readings were taken with a light microscope in successive fields to reach 100 mononuclear cells. It also measured tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in subgroups E1, E3, E4 and a control group where only the anesthetic was applied, since it is known that drugs can have some influence on the TNF. 


Yielded a significant increase (p <0.005) in phagocytic index in the subgroups E1, E3 and E4 with respect to the subgroups C1, C3 and C4, as well as the number of cells that had phagocytosed. With regard to TNF was not observed increase thereof in either group pretreated with ozone or the group with anesthetic alone.








Ozone Research Center,
Institute of Preclinical Basic Sciences,
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research Institute of Pharmacy and Food.


There are no known methods to predict which organ will work better after having had warm and cold ischemia followed by reperfusion. It was our purpose in this paper to assess the effect of ozone on rat kidneys subjected to warm ischemia, and compare the function of kidneys previously treated with ozone compared to other groups. Another objective was constituted to assess the effect of ozone on direct and indirect indicators of oxidative stress and determine the optimal period of treatment with ozone. 


Our work took 80 Wistar rats of 250 g, female, grouped into 8 sets of 10 animals each which caused him renal ischemia for 30 min, followed by 3 h of reperfusion and flow midiéndosele renal plasma and the intensity of glomerular filtration and functional variables and biochemical variables by spectrophotometric techniques deterninó superoxide dismutase (SOD), phospholipase A2 and fructosamine.


Morphological studies were also conducted to determine the structural changes that appeared during the experiment. The working groups were distributed as follows: healthy control group (I), ischemic control group (II), oxygen control group at 5 d (III), oxygen control group at 10 d (IV), control group oxygen at 15 d (V), ozone group at 5 d (VI), ozone group at 10 d (VII), ozone group at 15 d (VIII). 


The results showed a marked decrease in renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration rate in all groups (control ischemic, control oxygen of 5, 10 and 15 d of treatment, except for the group previously treated with ozone which values remained statistically similar to healthy controls.


Biochemical variables yielded equivalent results.


Structural lesions were significantly lower in the group treated with ozone at 15 d specifically in relation to ischemic controls and oxygen. interpreting the results is dependent on action to improve the rheological properties of the movement known ozone and the effect of "preconditioning" of the same protecting the body from oxidative stress.







OZ-P-069: Evolution of multiple organ injury, in an experimental model BURNED MOUSE, TREATED WITH ALOE B, O3 OZONE AND EPIDERMAL GROWTH FACTOR.

Surgical Hospital
Ozone Research Center.


Burn disease is a familiar theme of medical interest because it allows lines of research related to the sepsis syndrome, generalized systemic inflammation syndrome, multiple organ failure, shock and trauma among others. 


The aim of this study was to evaluate the evolution of multiple organ injury in a mouse experimental model of critical burn the use of Aloe B, ozone (O3) and epidermal growth factor (EGF). 


We used a dry burn model, 96 female Balb / c, divided into 4 groups: saline as control (SF), Aloe, O3 and EGF, 20 ± 2 g, 12 weeks, combined with hair removal, anesthetized with ip ketamine (150 mg / kg), 5 min before the burn. The burn was produced with an automatic welding machine with 2 bronze plaques adapted, with an area of 6 cm 2 each in the lower thoracic paravertebral region of the animal, at a temperature of 100 ° C.


The animals were resuscitated with 1 mL of SF and treated ip immediately after burn, with 15 treatments of Aloe B injection (0.3 mg/20 g in the first week and 0.2 mg/20 g in the second week , brought up to 1 mL). Were used 0.9 mL of ozone at a concentration of 37 mg / L, for 15 treatments, rectally. EGF (500 mg in 1 mL) ip, single dose. 


The SF group, 1 mL ip. In groups SF, Aloe, O 3 and EGF died 12, 13, 9 and 4 animals, respectively. Regarding vitality, in the SF group 16 animals were dying and 3 with low vitality. 


In the Aloe, 5 and 14 less active dying, but with vital signs. In the EGF group and O3 were 20 and 15 active animals dying and 4 and 7, respectively. 


In the histological study, EGF and O3 groups showed increased activity of lymphoid tissue in the spleen and minor liver and kidney damage, while the control group showed higher expression of multiple organ failure.






OZ-P-070: A STUDY IN RATS USING RENAL morphofunctional O3 OZONE AS A CONTRAST TO Arteriography.

institute of Basic Sciences,
Institute of Nephrology,
Ozone Research Center.


The possibility of using ozone as an alternative contrast medium for arterografia determined to carry out this work in order to assess the potential impact of such gas, administered blood on the kidney. 


For this purpose we used a sample of 10 rats with body weight of 402 ± 0.25 g, anesthetized with urethane at a dose of 1 mL / 100 g. Posteriormernte was cannulated with a polyethylene catheter of 0.7 mm ileaca artery right up to 1 cm above the renal arteries and was administered by this route ozone slowly, at a dose of 1 mL / kg with a concentration of 33 mg / L. 


After 10 min was administered via the femoral vein paraminohipurico left two boluses (PAH) and inulin, 0.1 mg and 2 mg, respectively, to study renal plasma flow (RPF) and intensity gromerular filtration (GFR), the technical multicompartmental without urine samples, taking 9 samples of 200 m L of blood pressure every 10 min. 


In the end the animals were sacrificed by cardiac puncture 2 mL of blood taken for determination of creatinine and extracted kidneys, liver and spleen for histology. The results show the absence of significant difference between experimental and control values for inulin and PAH clearances.


 Histologic examination showed no alteration in the animals treated with ozone with respect to the controls.  It is concluded that the convenience of using gas as an alternative to arteriography in patients in whom you can not use iodinated compounds.








Institute of Nephrology,
Institute of Basic and Preclinical Sciences,
Medical Research Center Surgical.


In the early nineties ozone was used experimentally by researchers at our institution as a contrast medium, replacing iodine in experimental models in dogs, with results similar to the method traditionally used to visualize the abdominal aorta and its branches. 


For the introduction of the use of ozone as a contrast medium was necessary to demonstrate its safety by the administration of gas and morphologic and functional fabrics.


For this study we used ten male Wistar rats 300 to 350 g and 4 to 8 months old. Was reached the aorta and iliac vessels by abdominal incision after anesthetic catheterized iliac arteries, 1 cm above the renal arteries and ozone was blown at a dose of 1 mL per kg of body weight with a concentration of 33 mg / L, bolus, slowly over 15 min. 


Catheter was removed and after the plasma clearance and sampling for functional studies the animals were sacrificed and samples of liver, spleen and kidney, which were fixed in glutaraldehyde-paraformaldehyde and processed according to conventional techniques for light and electron microscopy . 


In the light microscopy observations found no significant alterations in any of the three organs, confirming, in the case of the kidney, observations from previous studies. In electron microscopy slight periportal fibrosis was found in one case and increased apoptosis in other images in the samples of liver, spleen and kidney samples showed normal structure.The results are discussed in relation to gross findings found at autopsy.










OZ-P-072: Renal arteriography aorto USING O3 OZONE GAS AS A CONTRAST. REPORT OF 19 CASES. 
Institute of Nephrology,
Medical and Surgical Research Center,
Institute of Basic and Preclinical Science.


The radiographic study of the aorta and renal arteries is the primary diagnostic technique in the study protocol of renal vascular hypertension. There are patients who are allergic to iodine that preclude using iodinated contrast, so we replaced it by the gas ozone (O3) to perform arteriography. 


In 19 patients underwent subtraction arteriography digitalis (ASD) using O3 as a contrast medium. After catheterizing the femoral artery catheter was introduced to L1-L2 level. Bolus was injected 20 mL of O 3 to 33 mg / L concentration with a glass syringe. DSA was performed obtaining clear images useful for diagnosis in all cases. 


In some patients underwent selective lateral view of the renal arteries. There were only minor complications (abdominal pain and (or) diffuse back, nausea and vomiting) lasting two or three minutes.In 6 cases there were no vascular lesions and some other obstruction of the arteries, or bilateral renal atrophy and other bilateral stenosis of the renal artery. Serum creatinine, glucose, transaminase and urea were analyzed at 24 h by monitoring monthly for 6 months, they showed no changes relative to baseline. 


Conclusion: The ASD with ozone as a contrast, in place of iodinated contrast, is a useful alternative in the study of patients with suspected renal vascular hypertension.








T.Scherbatyuk, G.Poslov and V.Illarionov. 
Medical Academy, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


Dogs with malignant neoplasms Were Used In This Study. 


Ozone therapy by intravenous infusion WAS Applied Physiological saline solution of ozonized (100 - 200 mL, ozone concentration in the gas mixture 800 mcg / L) and by local application: intratumoral and peritumoral injection of Physiological saline solution ozonized. A cycle of Treatment Lasted from 5 to 15 days.


The results Indicated That, ozone therapy on malignant Animals with tumors, tumor metabolism Affected STI and stopped action on pathologic organism, Confirmed by the normalization of blood biochemical indices in tumor Treated animals.


Free-radical attack Caused by local action of ozone led to the Intensification of tumor cell respiration, on one hand, and to the suppression of the antioxidant defense system neoplasia, on the other hand. 


Cell death of uncertain part of tumor popullation finally occured, Which led to the DECREASE in the sizes and the necrotic blastoma Processes development. Surgical procedure, In This case, in order to necesario is clean the damage of the necrotic tissue Tumour mass.








I.Mukhina; R.Lapshin; A.Mironov and E.Dudina. 
Medical Academy, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


Single intraperitoneal administration of 1 mL of ozonated Physiological solution (ozone concentration = 135 mcg / L) to Wistar rats Does not cause visible changes file in the Any neurological status and Behaviour of animals. 


At the Same time an intraperitoneal administration of ozonated Physiological solution, at the Same concentration, to anesthetised animals, you induce more deep narcosis for 60 min, With Development of typical picture of a deep narcotic sleep by EcoG data. 


In contrast, use of With The Physiological non-ozonated solution the Prevalence of slow waves at the q - and d-ranges as well as the DECREASE of waves at the a-and b-range is Observed in EcoG spectrum. At the Same time the reflex is paining Decreased corneal reflex and independent But respiration is saved. 


Single intraperitoneal admistration of Physiological ozonated solution to rats caused significant changes file Does adenyl and guanyl in brain nucleotides spectrum, Increases the pyruvate level as well as a small DECREASE of pyruvate dehydrogenase activity and good function of brain cells aerobic respiration is noted. 


The administration of ozonated solution at the background of nembutal narcosis anesthesia potentiates the effect, however it changes file Does not cause hypoxic brain metabolism of deep anesthesia while Becomes more. 


Single administration of ozonated solution Activates Physiological Processes lipid peroxidation on 18%, in brain tissue, 60 min after administration of solution and DECREASE of superoxide dismutase activity at 64%.








Ursula Clostermann, PV Wichert, C. Seifart 
Internal Medicine, Division of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, University of Marburg, Germany.


Because of STI strong oxidative capacity, ozone is one of the Most Important air pollutants. THEREFORE ozone is Used in Many Different studies and in very Concerning forms exposition time and / or Concentrations of ozone. 


To study to what Extent ultrahigh / ultrashort exposition is comparable with Other short time exposition forms, we investigated the expression of SP-A and SP-B, two proteins of the surfactant Important layer of the lung, after ozone Different exposition. Sprague Dawley rats Were Exposed to 8 h 3 ppm, 8 h 1.5 ppm, 0.6 ppm 12 h, 24 h 0.6 ppm, 1700 ppm ozone 3 min 4 h rest and 3 min 1700 ppm ozone 24 h rest. We Analyzed SP-A and B by immunoblotting using protein extract of whole lung tissue. 


All forms of exposition time and concentration dependent Increased intracellular SP-A (123% to 165%) and SP-B (145% to 257%). Conclusion: All the exposition forms Increased expression of SP-A and SP-B. Specially in case of SP-A, the values of the ultrahigh / ultrashort exposition are comparable Increases With The exposition Caused by the other forms. 


To study effects of ozone to common lung function it is possible to choose ultrahigh / ultrashort THEREFORE exposition and the amount of PERSONAL Respiratory time and work needed exposition by other forms.








Yefremenko and C.Kontorshchikova. 
Medical Academy, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


A Dose dependent upon the Impact of ozone Studied WAS proteolysis system. We Assessed trypsin, chymotrypsin and elastase agricultural activities. In experiments on rats, the proteolytic activity in Levels of plasma, pancreatic and intestinal homogenates Were Evaluated. 


Infusions of ozonated and oxygenated saline solutions (1.0 mL) Were Applied intraperitoneally (after barbotage for 15 minutes, With an oxygen rate delivary of 1L/min). Ozone concentration Were 40, 80, 400, 1 200 and 5 000 mcg / L. 


Experiments with oxygenated saline infusion Were Followed by With A Sharply defined activity 14-fold increase in trypsin activity in comparison with control. Elastase Has Its maximum activity (1.6 fold increase) within 48 hours after infusion. 


Activity Chymotrysin WAS 4.1 times greather than the control. 


Experiments with ozonated saline infusions, at 40 and 80 mcg / L Ozone Concentrations, a minor rise in trypsin activity registrated WAS Within 24 hours after infusion. By contrast, activation chymotrypsin WAS Observed Within 2 hours (80 mcg / L) and 24 hours (40 mcg / L). 


Elastase activity pronunced WAS MOST within 48 hours. At 400 mcg / L ozone concentration for maximum Became elastase and chymotrypsin (a 3.86 increase in activity). At ozone concentration of 1 200 mcg / L activation of trypsin (9.3 times) WAS noted. At a 5000 mcg / L ozone concentration, activity did not change proteinases.


So, We Have Demonstrated the dependence of proteolytic enzymes on concentration and Exposure Levels to oxidyzing action: Has Its maximum activity at 400 and 1 200 mcg / L ozone concentration.








E.Yakovleva; I.Mukhina; E.Dudina and R.Lapshin. 
Medical Academy, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


The Influence of Various ozone doses (group I-control, groups II, III, IV intraperitoneal administration of ozonized solution with ozone Physiological doses of 1.5, 7.2 and 30 mcg respectivamente) on the ultrastructure of air-blood barrier (ABB ) in rats (n = 12) Were Studied, in chronic experiment (12 days). 


In group II, in comparison with control, basal membrane is Slightly thicken and the amount of ribosomes in endothelial cells of Increased pulmonary capillars. 


In group III Appeared locuses of Collagen Fibers That enlarged the ABB thickness. In the interstitium of the interalveolar septa the amount of fibroblasts and collagen Fibers is Increased. 


In groups II and III, activated alveolar macrophages are revealed. 


Ozone administration in a Dose of 30 mcg leads to the alteration of ABB in the endothelium of the pulmonary capillars the lysis of luminal membrane, edema, single membranous lipid incorporations and formations in the capillar lumens Have Been detected. In the capillar lumen, echinocis, reticulocytes, activated eosinophils, lymphocytes and Platelets Were Observed.


The capillar Were narrowed lumens due to the dilatation of the basal membrane, the collagen in Which Were Fibers and marked edema. A significant amount of fibroblasts in the interstitium is Revealed. In the alveolar lumens there Was a significant content of activated macrophages, fibrin and cells Clots detritus.








I. Okrut, Claudia Kontorshchikova, O. Maslennikov 
Medical Academy, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


The purpose of This investigation WAS to study the changes file hemocoagulation disease of the cardiac angina Under the Influence of ozone therapy. Ozone therapy, Indicated to Such disease, Revealed a number of Changes in blood stasis system.


The lowering of hypercoagulation, as well as the progress of the functional Characteristics of thrombocytes, Were Mentioned. 


The Treatment consisted of 7 to 10 sessions, one a day, intravenous infusion of saline solution of the ozonized.  At the end of the Treatment an increase in the formation thromboplastin time, at an average of 13%, in comparison With The initial condition, WAS achieved.  The level of fibrinogen (in 86%) at an average Lowered from 5.3 to 4.1 g / L Against a considerable increase of the fibrinolitic activity. 


The DECREASE of ADP - Induced aggregation of thrombocytes at an average of 16%, after ozone therapy, is pointing out the Influence of ozone upon the membrane Structures of blood laminae. 


We Can Conclude That ozone has an antithrombogenic effect. Consequently, ozone therapy, angina in the cardiac disease, may be Regarded as a remedy for lowering blood hypercoagulation stasis.








National Institute of Angiology and Vascular surger,
Ozone Research Center.


It is known that ozone inhibits the increase in calcium concentration induced by collagen and thrombin, so it appears that inhibits signal transduction between the inductor and the activation intraplaquetaria. 


The aim of our study was to verify in patients treated with ozone, whether or not there was inhibition of platelet aggregation at the end of such treatment. We studied 9 subjects of both sexes (37 to 77 years), diagnosed with ischemic diabetic foot or neuroinfectious, who denied having used in a previous period of at least 1 month of antiplatelet drugs (aspirin, dipyridamole, policosanol, ticlopidine).


Were administered 200 mL rectal ozone (concentration 50 mg / L), sometimes combined with local application of ozone, using plastic bags. The sessions were performed daily for 10 to 20 d. After 12 to 14 h of fasting blood samples were obtained, collected in plastic tubes with sodium citrate and centrifuged at 1 500 rpm to obtain platelet-rich plasma (PRP).The remainder was centrifuged at 3 500 rpm to obtain platelet poor plasma (PPP). 


Platelet aggregation in PRP was induced by addition of increasing concentrations of epinephrine into the incubation medium. Platelet aggregation found at the beginning, it had a mean of 28.3% and a range of 60 to 6.25%, while the end of treatment decreased to half of 17.5% and a range of 16.25 to 18.75%. 


Patients included in this study had platelet hyporesponsiveness, as was not achieved in most 50% of aggregation with epinephrine concentrations of 10-5 mg / L, or which are sufficient to produce this level of aggregation in healthy individuals . This may be because, in reviewing the medical attendant check that patients consumed drugs are not considered generically antiplatelet agents, but have this effect. 


Despite the initial platelet hyporeactivity, ozone treatment was associated with a further reduction in platelet aggregation at the end of treatment compared to baseline.








Institute of Gastroenterology.


The ozone therapy is a treatment option used in other countries where chronic diseases like liver cirrhosis lac.


 We chose two study groups, with 20 patients each diagnosed with liver cirrhosis. One group was fed by gaseous ozone rectal insufflation (with a gas concentration of 50 mg / L), leaving the other as a control. In both groups remained the established conventional medication. 


Patients treated with ozone reported a significant and sustained remission in the symptoms considered. Further studies showed favorable changes and constants in those treated with ozone. The results suggest, after a year of work, a promising treatment option for this disease of poor prognosis.








Medical Surgical Research Center.


The headaches associated with visual sensory disturbances have been named as the most common medical condition of our time. Is the leading cause in the specialty of neurology and also an important part of the reason for more frequent consultation in ophthalmology, such as asthenopia symptoms of patients who come daily. 


In the clinical picture of the different types of headaches more often, we note the classical migraine, common and tension. In this work we studied a group of 30 patients, carriers of sensory disturbances associated with migraine, who received treatment with intravenous ozone through higher autohemotherapy method, the dose of 7.5 mg daily to complete 15 sessions associated with the traditional treatment. Were evaluated monthly for ophthalmology and neurology. 


The results were compared with the clinical course of another group of cases that held traditional treatment without ozone. It showed significant advantages in faster recovery and effective ozone patients receiving traditional treatment. No adverse reactions or complications.







OZ-P-082: O3 OZONE IN SOME breast conditions.

To demonstrate the utility of ozone as a therapeutic agent in some diseases of the breast, a study of 133 patients with this pathology, as mastodineas, inflammation and abscesses. Ozone was used as a therapeutic agent in doses of 200 mg per day, administered by the rectal route for 15 sessions. 


The most affected age group was the fourth decade of life, with the total sample were female. The mastodinea was diagnosed most frequently. The results were satisfactory in 90.9%, to achieve cure or improvement of 121 patients. 


The unsatisfactory were 9.1%, to 12 cases remained the same or worsened. 


The highest percentages of a cure is achieved in the mastodinea. There were only 4 adverse reactions.The achieved results attest to the method and ozone as a therapeutic agent effective in treating some breast diseases.








We studied a total of 34 patients with syndrome of peripheral cochleovestibular, from the provincial consultation audiology at the University Hospital "Faustino Pérez" Matanzas. Patients were selected by a criterion of authority, having accepted voluntarily submit to treatment, consent approval. These patients were treated with rectal ozone therapy in the clinic of Natural and Traditional Medicine "Mario E. Dihigo" during 2 cycles of 15 sessions of ozone each. 


The results were favorable in those where there was a shortage of blood supply and thus oxygenation level cochleovestibular apparatus, such as: the vascular aetiology and post traumatic. Subjective improvement was obtained in Meniere's disease, in the first phase of treatment.


No adverse reactions were detected in any of the patients treated, and this is a new procedure, safe and economical.








Provincial Center of Retinitis pigmentosa.


We performed a retrospective descriptive study on statistical data from various diseases have been treated in the Department of Provincial Center Ozone Retinitis Pigmentosa of Camagüey, in the period from January 1992 to December 1998. 


With regard to the different routes of administration used, the most frequent was rectally with 110 867 patients


It covered a total of 119 723 cases, the specialty of ophthalmology sticking with 57 285 cases (of which 11 582 were patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa), Neurology with 14 451. With the completion of this work was saved a total of $604 747.40. 


From the social point of view has been observed in different pathologies treated, a rapid recovery of patients, enabling their reintegration into society or work faster.








Medical and Surgical Research Center.


This research's main objective is to determine changes that occur in compromised immune patients treated with ozone intratonsilar chronic tonsillitis diagnosed with.


10 patients were selected who had recurrent tonsillar crises and underwent whole blood IgA, IgG, and IgM, before and after treatment of ozonoterpia. 


10 patients were also selected with similar characteristics and intratonsilar ozone was performed, but in one tonsil leaving the other as a control. Subsequently underwent tonsillectomy performing different cuts in tissue for CD2, CD4, CD8 and CD19, using the ABC peroxidase complex method (DAXO). 


The results were satisfactory, resulting in activation there of in all patients.







OZ-P-086: Antimicrobial susceptibility IN VITRO TO O3 OZONE DISEASE PHARYNX microorganisms.

Medical and Surgical Research Center.


Given the frequency of tonsillar infections in our environment and knowing the bactericidal effect of ozone against different pathogens, as well as by previous scientific work we showed the most common germs that affect the pharynx, we decided to conduct this research in vitro to demonstrate the bactericidal action of ozone on germs such asStaphylococcus aureus> , Streptococcus b hemolytic types A and G, Enterobacter neumococcus and Haemophilus influenzae . 


Were prepared on blood agar media and seeded microorganisms under aseptic conditions, until a log phase growth. Were exposed to ozone concentrations for 3 min and were observed in the esterioscopio to determine the destruction and death of colonies. 


The results were satisfactory in achieving a few hours destruction of the entire colony of each of the germs.







OZ-P-087: O3 OZONE IN chronic suppurative otitis media.

General Teaching Hospital,
Ozone Research Center.


Otitis media is inflammation of the lining of the middle ear, are common in everyday medical practice, are of bacterial origin, caused by physical or chemical causes and is seen in people of any age. The most affected are: Eustachian tube, tympanic cavity and antrum with pneumatic cell system. 


Given the germicidal power of ozone therapy conducted a clinical trial, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of ozone therapy in chronic suppurative otitis media in children and adults. The investigation, which lasted 3 years, consisted of a control group and experimental group, with a sample of 60 and 52 patients (65 ears and 72 ears), respectively. 


The control group received conventional treatment and ozone experimental systemic (rectal) and topical (ozonized oil OLEOZON ® ). Patients included in this study were treated at the Provincial Teaching Hospitals "Martyrs of Las Tunas" and "Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna," and at the Provincial Center of Retinitis Pigmentosa, located in the municipality of Las Tunas. 


Satisfactory results were achieved when testing the germicidal effect of ozone on chronic suppurative otitis media. 


Positive results were also found in relation to the behavior of otorrhea, mainly at early ages, hearing, and the recovery of the state of the tympanic membrane.







OZ-P-088: O3 OZONE IN pelvic inflammation.
Clinic Natural and Traditional Medicine.


We performed a prospective study with 160 patients who had acute pelvic inflammation, to which was applied to rectal ozone treatment at a concentration of 50 mg / L and 260 mL of gas daily for 15 d. It enabled a record book that collected the raw data that were established several statistical tables, descriptive methods were applied and parametric test of c 2. 


Found that patients improved rapidly, from the standpoint of clinical and laboratory tests, without the need to include antimicrobial agents in the treatment or conventional anti-inflammatories. No adverse reactions were observed. 


This treatment demonstrates the effectiveness of ozone therapy in the treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease.







OZ-P-089: o3 OZONE IN THE PROPHYLAXIS puerperal septic complications.

VA Ananiev, NM Pobedinsky, VM Zuev, JM Clemente-Apumayta; AL Titov Siordia and SY. 
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Moscow Medical Sechenov Academy,
Moscow, Russia.


Infectious and septic complications are a serious problem in medical practice, which requires not only a thorough study in order to shorten the length of stay of the patient, but also to reduce the severe long-term complications. The aim of this work is to study the influence of ozone in the adjunctive treatment of infectious diseases in pregnant women and parturients. 


The direct bacterial action of ozone increases lipid peroxides (POL) and stimulates the kinetics of intracellular antioxidants as one of the most important effects on energy homeostasis of the organism. 183 patients were studied in infectious diseases of female secretory system during pregnancy and childbirth by natural means. 


All patients, in order to prevent postpartum complications were administered intravenous ozonated saline (ozone concentration of 1-2.5 mg / L) for 5-6 days before delivery and 3 days after thereof. 


Clinical observations demonstrated the ability of ozone therapy remedy with respect to major indicative of homeostasis, immunological aspects, hormonal metabolism, combating the phenomenon of intoxication and pain syndrome.The high bacterial action of medical ozone led to the sharp decrease of puerperal complications.


Of 183 cases, only 1 case of endometrial noted postpartum. The results achieved show that ozone therapy is a good choice for control of high-risk women during pregnancy.








VAAnaniev and VM Zuev. 
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Moscow Medical Sechenov Academy,
Moscow, Russia.


The Highest rate of the pyo-inflammatory Complications in the Puerperal Period Observed in the WAS group of puerperal women with Obstetric traumatism of soft Tissues of genital tract (the rupture of the cervix uteri and perineum, colporrhexis). The analysis of the spectrum of aerobic and anaerobic microflora in the samples taken from the vaginas of These puerperal Showed 100% contamination with bacteria. 


The Treatment of the vagina, using the method of flowing irrigation with ozone-oxygen mixture allowed to reach the effect of clearance of opportunistic pathogens and pathogenic bacteria.







OZ-P-091: O3 OZONE THERAPY IN CHRONIC placental insufficiency.

JM Clemente-Apumayta, VM Zuev; Ljashko IS, IN Voloschuk and P. A. Kovganko. 
IM Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Russia.


The method of ozone therapy WAS Used for the Treatment of the pregnant Women with chronic placental insufficiency.Introduction of ozone WAS Carried out via intravenous infusion of the ozonated Physiological saline solution. Placental insufficiency WAS Diagnosed by Means of dynamic ultrasound survey. 


The fetus STATE WAS Doppler and cardiotocography Trough examinated methods, ozone therapy. Treatment. Women with 48 pregnant at the Beginning and at the end of the gestation ages from 26 to 37 weeks Were examinated. Represented Control group WAS pregnant women by 20 That Were Treated by Means of tyerapeutic common methods. Doppler examination (S / D ratio, PI and RI) Was Carried out one, two and three weeks post Treatment in the uterine, spiral and umbilical (including the end-branches) Arteries. 


Morphological examination of the placenta from women underwent ozone aplication Revealed activation of the compensatory Processes, ie, the number of Increased Vessels, Their remarked plethora; In Some Cases The Development of the villi angeomatosis WAS foci detected. Malthus, application of ozone therapy at the Beginning an at-the-middle of the third gestation trimester WAS Shown to be an Effective Tool for the Treatment of placental insufficiency. 


This Was Approved by the activation of uteroplacental circulation, improvement of the endocrine function (Increased production of estradiol, progesterone, placental lactogene and prolactine). Normalization of placental metabolic WAS Observed Processes. The improvement of the PLO indices and disappearence of hypercoagulation Were Also Shown.








MI Kovalev and VM Zuev. 
Department of obstetrics and gynecology, Moscow Medical Sechenov Academy,
Moscow, Russia.


The frequency of operation has a Tendency to increase. The number of women in our clinics, operated by cesarean is 19.2%. The increase in the quantity of operation leads to the rise in the number of septic Complications after the Operations. 


The purpose of This investigation to Develop an Effective WAS, available and inexpensive method of Prophylaxis of the septic Complications after the cesarean. 110 women, who HAD-through cesarean birth, Were subject to prospective observation.  Were All Patients Treated on the 1st , 2nd , 3rd and 4th Postoperative day by intravenous ozone solution (2 mg / L ozone in 400 mL 0.9% NaCl). 


The results Showed That the use of ozone can reduce the number solution of septic Complications (endometritis, fever, etc..) By 30% in the Postoperative period. 


The prophylactic effect is more Expressed among Women with urgent surgical intervention group and from among Patients with High Risk of Infection. 


Along With The DECREASE in the overall number of Complications, the DECREASE of The Most Serious Complications with high temperature Has Been Observed. 


No cases of sides effects or Intolerance Have Been Observed During The use of ozone. Because of the simplicity of ITS use, moderate cost and high STI Effectivity, ozone therapy can be recommended for use in STI Any obstetrical hospital.








MI Kovalev. 
Department of obstetrics and gynecology, Moscow Medical Sechenov Academy,
Moscow, Russia.


The Incidence of cesarean delivery is rising by the last years across RESULTING With The rise in the number of infectious Postoperative Complications. Understanding the status and interferon immmune profile of Such Patients and Developing new methods of adjuvant therapy is of great immunomodulating interest in the infection control. 


The aim of This work is to study the Influence of the ozone therapy on the interferon status after cesarean and the possible prophylactic effect of intravenous (IV) on the ozone application rates of the Postoperative Complications infectious. 78 consecutive women, delivery by cesarean Who Had Were Treated on the 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd and 4th Postoperative day by IV ozone solution (2 mg / L ozone in 400 mL 0.9% NaCl). 


Interferon Were Measured in all Patients Before and After the ozone steam treatment. Control group got no ozone therapy HAD. An immune modulating action of the ozone therapy Could Be Shown. The Levels of alpha-and gamma-interferon in the ozone group Treated Were Higher Than in the Control group. 


The ozone Treated Significantly less infectious HAD group after the cesarean Complications Compared With The Traditionally Treated group.








MIKovalev and IMClemente-Apumayta. 
Department of obstetrics and gynecology, Moscow Medical Sechenov Academy,
Moscow, Russia.


The Percentage of birth by cesarean in our clinics averages 17 to 20%. The Postoperative infectious Complications are still of great Importance in the overall Morbidity and Mortality of These Patients. The aim of This paper is to study the ozone therapy exerts That Influence on the immune status after cesarean and the possible prophylactic effect in the Postoperative Complications infectious. 


80 women, delivery by cesarean Who Had Were Treated on the 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rdand 4 th Postoperative day by intravenous ozone solution (2 mg / L ozone in 400 mL 0.9% NaCl). All The Patients have got Before and After the Treatment of complete blood count and T and B cell differentiation. Immunoglobulins Levels, Also Were Studied phagocyte activity. The Control group did not received ozone therapy, only trditional methods.


The ozone Treated Significantly less infectious HAD group after the cesarean Complications Compared to the Control group. An immune modulating action of the ozone therapy in the Could Be Shown Treated group, the mean CD4 + cell quantity and phagocyte activity in comparison WAS Higher With The Control group.








OB Philipava, VA Ananiev and JM Clemente. 
Department of obstetrics and gynecology, Moscow Medical Sechenov Academy,
Moscow, Russia.


The increase in the number of Patients With An Excessive body mass eat usually in Association with extragenital pathology and in case of abdominal delivery, in the Postoperative Period, With A large number of Complications. 


In order to DECREASE the number of Complications in this group of pregnant women (65 patients) the ozone therapy WAS used.Applied intravenously WAS Ozonized solution (200 mL), concentration of ozone With An 400 mcg / L. 


The results Showed an increase in the antioxidant enzymatic activity and a DECREASE of the total lipids and low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in plasma. All that resulted in a DECREASE of the atherogenic coefficient and normalization of coagulograms.








VM Zuev, NM Pobedynsky; Krasnicov DG, TA Djibladze; LS Kovalev Alexandrov and MI. 
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Moscow Medical Academy Setchenov,
Moscow, Russia.


The aim of This work is to study the clinical value of ozone therapy in the Treatment of chronic fetal hypoxia, in obstetrical management and perinatal outcome in. Study design: Number of Patients 132, 34 controls. Number of infants 132, 34 controls. Monitoring by ultrasound, Doppler, steroid, cardiotochography, morfological investigation of placenta. Ozone therapy by intravenous administration WAS Applied of ozonized solution of sodium chloride. 


In the ozone group, normal state of fetus WAS and WAS Earlier Obtained much supported with high Intensification of adaptive mechanism, Showed in placental blood circulation. High ozone Treatment Effectiveness of the chronic hypoxia in fetal WAS Obtained. Any negative or No Complications Reactions to ozone therapy Were registered.








TS Kachalina, NS Peretyagina, Antonova NS. 
State Medical Academy of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


The investigation included 34 Patients in early postnatal In Which period (7 to 10 days) various diseases Were Diagnosed Puerperal: endometritis (n = 15), suppuration (n = 5), mastitis (n = 5), different diseases owing to septic ceasarean section (n = 3), thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities (n = 3), Retained placenta (n = 4). At the Same Time Some Patients (n = 8) postpartum psychosis Showed. 


In 70% of cases the pathology postpartum Had A characteristic Behaviour. The Patients of the main group (n = 19) received traditional Treatment in combination with daily intravenous ozonated saline infusions (8 - 10 Routines) with an ozone concentration of 1100 to 1200 mcg / L. In Control group (n = 15) WAS Performed antibacterial, detoxification and desensibilization therapy, as well as the used of physical factors.


The results Demonstrated the efficiency of the ozone therapy, in combination with traditional Treatment in Patients with Complications postpartum infectious. In this group, the values of endogenic intoxication Were Decreased much faster, as well as erythrocyte sedimentation rate, leukocytosis, leukocyte index of intoxication and level of middle molecule peptides.Also the pH-value Had A Tendency to balance. 


The lipid peroxidation values Important Confirmed the action of ozone, antioxidant defense Increasing the system. The efficiency of ozone therapy in combination with traditional Used WAS Treatment Demonstrated by Reducing hospital care time by 5 days.








TS Kachalina, N. Yu. Katkova, GO Grechkanev. 
State Medical Academy, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


102 pregnant women Belonging to a group of intrauterine Infection Risk of fetus and newborn child Were Examined.According To laboratory data (lipid peroxidation Levels and antiradical protection, immune status, presence of infectious agents in amniotic fluid, phagocytic activation)


Patients Were Divided Into the 2 groups, the 1st group Comprising 60 Patients with intrauterine Infection Inflammation carriers without signs, and the 45 Patients Including 2nd one showing the signs of an inflammatory process. Each group WAS Treated With The traditional Methods (including antibiotics and immunomodulators). 


All the women received an ozonated Physiological saline solution, intravenously, daily for 3 to 5 days. 200 mL saline solution of the Physiological WAS ozonized, bubbling an ozone / oxygene mixture concentration of ozone With An 800 mcg / L at a rate of 1 L / min, DURING 15 min. 


This study Revealed the maximum positive effect in Therapeutic Patients of the 1st group. 


The normalization of the lipid peroxydation and the index system antioxydative Were Observed in 72% of women of this group. The normalization of the immune system WAS index Obtained in 42%.


Patients with uteroplacental blood flow Disturbances Showed a Tendency to Improve the Doppler index (78%). Besides, not one case of infectious agent Revealed WAS Transmitted to fetus in the 1st group. The effects Described Were Not Revealed in the 2nd group. 


Malthus, application of ozone has maximum effect when to a mother shows the Presence of TORCH-infection agents without the signs of an inflammatory process activation. This lets us lessen the Percentage of intrauterine fetus Infection.








TS Kachalina, AV Soshnikov, GO Grechkanev. 
State Medical Academy Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


It is Known That a great number obesity Causes Complications of pregnancy. Traditional methods of Prophylaxis Which are Used in the Treatment of obese pregnant women are not highly effective. The aim of our investigation to increase the efficiency WAS Prophylaxis of gestation of fatness-associated Complications Including by ozone therapy in the Treatment of This complex pathology. 118 pregnant Women with Various stage of obesity Were Examined. 


The first group (71 patient) recieved ozone therapy, as a part of a complex Treatment, in the form of intravenous infusion of ozonated saline solution Physiological (ozone concentration in the ozone-oxygen mixture: 400 mcg / L) daily, 5 days. 


The second group (47 patients) received traditional prophylactic Treatment. In the first group registered an increase Were there in the activity of the antioxidative enzymes, as well as a DECREASE in the Total serum lipids, normalization of blood coagulability in Women with hypercoagulation. 


After Comparing the course of pregnancy and labor in the two groups of Patients an Evident positive clinical effect of ozone therapy WAS achieved. Ozone Treated Patients HAD lower rates of gestosis, premature delivery, Prolonged gestation, powerless work activity. Malthus, This results let us Consider ozone therapy. Treatment in the complex. Promising as a method of Prophylaxis of fatness-associated Pathologies gestation.








TS Kachalina, GO Gretchkanev, OV Kachalina, VN Mazepa, N. Yu. Katkova, AV Soshnikov, OA Povechtchenko. 
State Medical Academy, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


Traditional medical therapy for the Treatment of bacterial vaginoses recurring non-specific and requires colpitis Different medications, may cause allergic Which is Often Ineffective and Reactions. 40 women Were Treated With This pathology by an ozone-oxygen mixture using intravaginal device and the ozone therapy apparatus "Medozons - BM". All Patients Treated by local application of medical ozone (5 - 10 procedures) Were Also submitted to daily rectal insufflation of 1000 mL of ozone-oxygen mixture With An ozone concentration of 3000 mcg / L. Were antibiotics prescribed only in cases of chlamidiosis. No other Preparations Were used. 


Control group Treated Patients Comprised 20 with traditional methods.


Results: In 85% of Patients to sanogenic pronounced effect of ozone, Revealed by microscopy (vaginal discharge and diminishing of improvement of quality STI) Was Observed. - PCR analysis of infectious agents Showed elimination in 55% of cases. A specific antibody titer Decreased (was marked in 65% of patients). In 70% of Patients normalization and improvement of local and general immunity indices vaginal Were Observed. 


All positive effects of ozone therapy and exceeded stable Were the results of the traditional steam treatment. No side effects and allergic Were registered.Conclusion: Combination of local and systemic application of medical ozone is a Highly Effective, safe and economical method for the Treatment of bacterial and non-specific vaginoses colpitis.







OZ-P-101: O3 OZONE IN THE AMD - Macular Degeneration.

Medical and Surgical Research Center.


Given the incidence of senile degeneration of the macula and the inefficiency of the usual treatments, we conducted a study with 22 patients with macular degeneration dry type, which underwent complete eye exam everyone and fluorescein angiography. We analyze different parameters including age, sex, race, duration, affected eye and treatment cycles. All were treated with ozone rectally and (o) intravenously. 


After the first cycle of treatment we observed improvement in 1 or 2 tenths of visual acuity in 80% of patients.








Medical and Surgical Research Center,
Eye Hospital
Ozone Research Center.


Endophthalmitis is one of the most feared disease treated by ophthalmologists. This is an infection that invades the extensive intraocular uveal tractus, pus in the aqueous humor and vitreous, and corneal opacity, which causes irreversible vision loss. The medical management is enucleation or evisceration in most urgent times. We studied 11 patients with a diagnosis of endophthalmitis in the Hospital "Pando Ferrer" in the year 1992, which underwent complete blood count, glucose, urea, creatinine, electrocardiogram, blood gas capillary and venous and eye discharge. 


All patients were evaluated clinically daily eye. Initially the patients received treatment with intravenous antibiotics and local, and noting that despite 9 d of treatment, patients worsened, we decided to treatment with intravenous ozone by the method of autohemotherapy higher the dose of 10 mg, in each session and 0.15 mg topically. 


We obtained excellent results, eradicating the infection in all patients. Furthermore, they are avoided in an ocular eviceración.







Provincial Center of Retinitis Pigmentosa


Deep keratitis is a cellular infiltration of the deep layers of the cornea, caused by multiple infections, especially viral type, with a diversity of clinical presentation. The main symptoms are visual disturbances, anxiety, and visual disturbances. Its evolution can vary from a few days to months. 


Given the germicidal properties and stimulating processes of oxygen metabolism and blood circulation which has ozone, we conducted a population-based study in patients with deep keratitis using subconjunctival injections of ozonated blood. Extracted 1 mL of blood, ozonizó the same with an ozone concentration of 60 mg / L and was administered subconjunctivally, twice per week. 


Ozone obtained using the computer as OZOMED (Cuba). We studied two groups of patients, one control, with 15 patients who applied traditional treatment and a study group with twenty patients who were injected with ozonized blood. 


To compare the evolution of each group independently, nonparametric techniques were used longitudinal population and to compare the two treatments, non-parametric cross-population comparison, with a reliability of 95%. Patients in both groups underwent visual acuity test, examination with direct ophthalmoscope and slit lamp. 


With the subconjunctival application of ozonated blood was achieved shorten the duration of the disease, obtaining excellent results. All patients improved corneal transparency and visual acuity found no harmful side effects.







OZ-P-105: O3 OZONE IN herpes sores.

Hospital Universitario, Sancti Spiritus.


The herpes simplex virus is a common cause of corneal ulceration, either primary or recurrent lesion is more typical dendritic ulcer. With regard to the therapeutic possibilities of these patients in our area, antiviral agents have been used more or less effective, such as Iodoxuridina and Viru-Merz. Recently with the rise of ozone therapy, taking into account their antiviral properties and healing among others, decided to use it as an alternative therapy.


 A study of all cases with the diagnosis of herpetic corneal ulcer, seen in emergency or outpatient, for the period January to December 1999. Up the sample a total of fifteen patients who have medical histories that included eye visual acuity, slit lamp examination with fluorescein staining before and after initiation of ozone therapy. Autohemotherapy underwent lower (1 mL of blood via subconjunctival ozonated each time). Were treated with outpatient follow-up consultation to see its evolution. 


100% of the sample resolved after the treatment, 50% needed 3 sessions and the rest lower autohemotherapy 5 sessions.








Hospital Universitario, Sancti Spiritus.


Ozone is recognized multiple beneficial properties in relation to your application to preserve human health. Systemic administration improves tissue oxygenation due to the beneficial effect that occurs in the bloodstream. 


Given that chronic simple glaucoma is generally asymptomatic pathology manifested by reduction and visual field changes as a result of increased intraocular pressure and therefore the degree of ischemia that is subjected to optic nerve, ozone therapy beneficial effects occur in relation to the conservation and improvement of retinal circulatory state level and therefore in the vital capacity of the affected individual of glaucoma. 


A descriptive study was performed in 40 patients with a diagnosis of chronic simple glaucoma treated at outpatient clinics in the period January to December 1999. They outpatient medical histories that included complete eye examination with gonioscopy. All patients reported kinetic perimetry before and after ozone therapy and outpatient follow-up. 


In 80% of cases it has improved visual field, especially in patients without marked deterioration, which makes us insist on the early diagnosis of the disease. 


In the remaining 20% ​​was found visual field deterioration. These patients presented at baseline tubular field.









Provincial Pediatric Hospital,
Military Clinical Hospital Surgical Teaching,
Provincial Center of Retinitis Pigmentosa.


We performed a retrospective longitudinal analytical study in a patient with a left temporal hemianopsia in the wake of a previous stroke. The study was conducted at the Provincial Center of Retinitis Pigmentosa of Camagüey from December 1997 until January 2000. To diagnose it underwent fundus refraction test, color test and visual field. 


The patient had poor visual acuity of light perception left eye. It was given ozone therapy treatment at 15 sessions, with an ozone concentration of 50 mg / L. He followed the patient for three years, with power of vision and visual field periodically. 


It was possible to restore vision in less than 6 months and has remained stable without repeating new picture of stroke and the recovery of visual acuity. 


It was shown that ozone is effective in treating cerebral infarction hemianopsia, minimizing the visual aftermath of this case.








International Retinitis Pigmentosa Center.


The importance of ozone therapy in the Cuban therapeutic for retinitis pigmentosa. We selected 2656 patients with retinitis pigmentosa, served in the Retinitis Pigmentosa International Center between July 1992 and December 1999. In such patients were applied between 10 and 15 sessions of ozone therapy combined with electrostimulation, antioxidants and revitalizing surgery. 


It is observed that 76% of patients maintain stable values ​​in visual function. 16% have different degrees of improvement and 8% is the natural course of the disease. The ozone therapy is very important in the Cuban treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa.







Lazaro Perez (a) and GC Hoffmann (b). 
(a) International Retinitis Pigmentosa Center,
(b) Walborg Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Nederland.


Describes some effects of ozone and its relation to the dosages and applications used and the concepts of reactive and geographic concentration shows the dosages proposed by European specialists alguos. We pinpoint the contraindications of ozone. There are different therapeutic approaches based on the concept of geo-reactive concentration and its ability to stimulate biological systems. The dose of ozone therapy should be monitored carefully to achieve the desired effect.








National Institute of Angiology and Vascular Surgery.


The benefits of ozone therapy to control sepsis, and hemorheological aspects of the microcirculation factors are known.In our institution, ozone therapy service provides specialist care, teaching and research, an average yearly income of 1250, 6 382 cases of guard and 12 900 for the same period outpatient and primary care is prioritized, with a record of 2 165 cases in 1999. 


In the 2 years evaluated, the Department of Ozone assisted a total of 1282 patients who received 9790 treatments, being the most used rectally. The diabetic foot pathology was the most attended, followed in order ulcers of venous ulcers. The ozone therapy in our center is one of the most significant therapeutic tools to treat patients.







University Hospital.


Peripheral vascular disease have a high impact on the population that suffers both from the standpoint of personal and social. Its chronicity forces these patients to contact with health services, and its serious sequelae can range from chronic ulcers, deformities, to the loss of a leg. Treatment is varied and of great importance in prophylaxis, such as therapeutic measures and (o) operations. 


The use of ozone as a therapeutic agent in these diseases has proved a useful, and necessary economic resources within angiologist and vascular surgeon. This descriptive study had 1153 patients, treated with ozone in the period of 1 year, angiológicas different diseases, with the aim of analyzing the use of this gas as a therapeutic agent in Angilogía and its usefulness in the outpatient treatment of such patients. 


The method was applied daily administration of ozone rectally, (with a concentration between 40 to 50 mg / L) in a period of 15 sessions. Such analysis indicated a decrease in the number of amputations, better and faster healing of ulcerative lesions and the healing of lymphangitis. 


We evaluated the treatment outcome as satisfactory in more than 80% of patients treated with a marked decrease in the number of admissions and average length of stay in these patients. 


These results provide clear evidence of the positive things that has resulted in the application of this therapy in the field of Angiology.








Medical Surgical Research Center


The skin conditions are caused by viral infection in a large number of patients in the general population and in our environment is observed frequently. Different authors agree that in many of these patients there is a depression in the immune system. Knowing that ozone addition to the immunomodulatory effects virucidal action was carried out this study, 84 patients who were treated with ozone in different ways. 


All cases diagnosed as herpes simplex were classified according to the location of the lesion, genital sores, and buttocks, using the subcutaneous route simultaneously with topical application of ozonated oil, and herpes zoster (20 patients) was used only intramuscularly.


 We propose that ozone is effective in treating these diseases with satisfactory results especially in recurrent herpes simplex that administering subcutaneous ozone is able to control the disease.








V. M. Kaznin, S. P. Peretyagin, F. S. Layenko, S. E. Kvasov, V. S. Yandyganov, V. N. Kuleshin, N. A. Mironov, V. N. Grechko and I. A. Kalashnikova.
Railway Health Service, Russian Association of Ozonetherapy, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


For the introduction of ozone therapy technologies into the broad practical health care it is necessary to substantiate and sum up the experience of ozone applications in various medicoprophylactic institutions. In 32 medical institutions of the Railway Health Service ozone therapy has been used since 1994. Now the efficiency of the ozone therapy method is being tested for various subdivisions of medicoprophylactic institutions.


The introduction of ozone therapy technologies into medical practice led to reconstruction of medical institutions, formation of new subdivisions which make it possible to perform ozone treatments (ozone therapy department or room) as well as to form health data bank for testing the quality and efficiency of ozone therapy used in different categories of patients.


Practical use of methods of ozone therapy makes it necessary to work out normative documentation, to compile professional requirements for ozone therapeutists, as well as to provide medical staff for ozone therapy subdivisions.


Every physician using ozone therapy can do so only after appropriate training having qualified for the professional practice of ozone therapy. The utilization of ozone equipments and accessories for medical use should be complied with the requirements of epidemiological service.








Alex B. Zaitsev.
Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, N.Novgorod, Russia.


Open tibial fractures are real surgical challenge because of the risk of infection in bone and devitalized soft tissues. The most severe consequence of open tibial fractures is osteomyelitis, which can usually be prevented by prompt surgical intervention within six hours since injury. Complex surgical treatment includes multiple procedures: debridement of wounds; fasciotomy for compartment syndrome; external fixation and wounds irrigation.


In order to prevent infectious complications, especially osteomyelitis, ozone therapy is included in the complex of measures. In such situation intramedullary injection of saline solution with ozone concentration of 1,0-1,5 mg/L in 100-150 mL was used.


Between 1997 and 1999, 18 patients with infected tibial fractures (14 patients with soft tissue defects) received complex surgical treatment combined with ozone therapy.


The use of this method allowed us to achieve good results. Infectious complications were not found in the sample.


In the control group made up of 11 patients, ozone therapy was not carried out, only the conventional treatment was used. In two of them deep wound infection was developed with an osteomyelitis outcome.








Alex B. Zaitsev
Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


We have treated 63 patients with lchronic osteomyelitis of long tubular bones. The purulent process was located on tibia - in 34 patients, on hip - in 29 patients. Posttraumatic osteomyelitis was diagnosed in 44 patients, haematogenous - in 14, gunshot - in 1, purulent complicated total hip joint arthroplasty - in 4.


The surgical strategy consist of sequestra and implants removal, osteonecrosis resection, irrigation and external fixation by Ilizarov device or plaster bandage. Immediately after the patient awakened, suction drainage of residual osseous and soft tissues cavity by saline solution with ozone concentration of 2,0 - 3,0 mg/L was started. On the 2nd–3rd day the perfusate was cleared of blood, on the 7th day fibrin was not seen. By the end of the second week the solution and the perfusate did not differ visually.


Average terms of drainage tube removal in control group (39 patients), were 24 days, in the sample - 17 days. Thus, using this procedure, in patients with purulent complications of lower limbs allowed to reduce the time of postoperative wound lavage and complete debridement by putting a suture. Local inflammatory reaction to drainage tube long-term stay in soft tissues was never found.








A. Mochalov and S. Kotov.
Nizhni Novgorod Medical State Academy. Russia.


The aim of this research is to study the ozone therapy efficiency and the neurologic behaviour in patients with backbone ostechondrosis. 107 patients with musculotonic, neurodystrophic and radicular syndromes of backbone osteochondrosis (cervical and lumbar localization) were investigated.


The average age of patients was 43,8 years, mean duration of the disease was about 6,5 years. In the treatment of the basic group (81 patients, all men) was used ozone therapy by introduction of ozone-oxygen mixture (OOM) in paravertebral zones and in biologically active points, and also local autohemotherapy (LAHT).


Control group included 26 patients (all men) at which introduction of oxygen (as a placebo) was combined with LAHT with not ozonized blood. At the end of the treatment, the patients marked essential improvement of health state expressed in decrease of pain, disappearance of hyperpathic component, time intervals without pain, narrowing of irradiation zone.


Simultaneously, the backbones mobility was enlarged, the night dreams was improved. The angle of rise, in Lasseg test, in patients with lumbar ischialgia was enlarged on 31 % and in patients with radiculopathy on 24 %, that exceeded positive shifts with respect to control group (p < 0,05).


Dynamic of spatial-functional mutual relations of biokinematic chain "backbone-lower extremities" was shown in substantial growth of movements in cervical and lumbar backbone (according to 37 and 51%).


The expressiveness of a radicular syndrome has decreased from 1,63 ± 0,21 to 1,17 ± 0,13 (p < 0,05). Positive metabolic influence of OOM in the dystrophic degeneration centers, the rising of pain receptors sensitivity threshold decrease the morbidity of neurodystrophic sites at palpation.


On the radiothermometry data, a decrease in the disorder of the temperature in juxtaspinal points and the equalisation of a "temperature asymmetry sign" was marked.


Decrease of the motor potentials amplitude, increase of the nervous conducting velocity, decrease of the H-reflex latent period, revealed on the electromyography and electroneuromyography data, testified an improvement of the blood supply in the segments of the spinal cord and spinal roots during ozone therapy.








G. Boyarinov; M. Goryachev; Y. Brichin; N. Skachov; N. Smirnova; B. Shubin; M. Chusova; A. Ermolaeva and T. Rumyantseva.
Military Medical Institute of the Federal Border Guard Service of Russia, Regional Oncologic Center, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia.


At present time the general hyperthermia is more frequently used as a chemotherapy modification for oncologic disease treatment. The sessions consist in intravenous infusion of the chemopreparations at the temperature of 40,5 - 41 oC, general anesthesia and craniocerebral hypothermia.


This method is used in unoperable and low sensitive to radiation and chemotherapy patients. 27 patients with cancer in different localisation were divided in two groups: control - 15 patients and with ozone therapy - 12 patients. All patients had II-III stage of endotoxicosis.


For detoxication, patients of the investigated group received ozone therapy before the general hyperthermia in the form of intravenous infusion of ozonated physiological solution with an ozone concentration of 3 mg/L.


After ozone therapy a significant decrease of endotoxicosis was observed. Besides, the general health state improved.


After general hyperthermia, endotoxicosis degree and general health state were determined in both groups.


Thus, using the ozone therapy as a method of oxidative detoxication is possible to significantly decrease the degree of endotoxicosis in oncologic patients at a general hyperthermia conduction.








T. Scherbatyuk, M. Goryachev; Yu. Samochvalova and E. Polinkina.
Medical Academy, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia.


In the last years, radiation therapy of malignant tumours, undergoes large changes searching methods of selective radiosensitiveness, in order to increase the therapeutic interval between tumoral and normal tissues. With the purpose of intensifying the action of ionizing radiations, intravenous ozonized saline solution, before radiation, were applied in patients suffering of malignant diseases. 26 female patients with the diagnosis of malignant tumours, stage III and IV (uterus and ovary cancer and hysterocarcinoma) were studied.


The treatment for the patients of the first group included the use of a fractionated gamma therapy (radiation dose for operated patients - 40 gp and for not operated - 70 gp). To the second group, 3 sessions of ozone-therapy, before the gamma therapy was applied.


Increase of the peroxidation processes and decrease of the antioxidant defense system was found, after the sessions of radiation therapy, in the first group, in comparison with the second group, using ozonized saline solution.








V. A. Shihragimov and S. P. Peretyagin.
Russian Association of Ozonetherapy, Nizhny Novgorod, Nardkola, Russia.


The aim of this work was to investigate the efficiency of ozone and Trental in patients with neurocirculatory dystonia associated by syndrome of venous hypertension. The investigation included 3 groups of patients. The patients of I-control group (n = 14) were treated with traditional medicines.


The patients of II-main group (n = 27) received Trental in different doses, and the patients of III-main group (n=20) intravenous infusions of ozonated saline solution (0,9 % physiological NaCl solution) with an ozone concentration of 1600 mcg/L.


The results obtained in the three groups showed the absolute therapeutical advantage of Trental and ozonated saline infusions in the treatment of the syndrome of venous hypertension.


In the main groups, a significant decrease in the venous pressure was achieved mainly because of the normalization in the erythrocyte deformability values (the best value using ozone). The total microcirculation index was decreased, as well as the vascular index. The clearence Xe133 had a tendency to improve. Blood viscosity and hematokrit were decreased too.


The results obtained demonstrate the advantages in the flow properties of blood, microcirculation and peripheral blood flow in patients with venous hypertension, using Trental or ozone, in comparison with traditional treatments.








S. Alyochina, T. Chrychyva, V. Ovchynicov and C. Kontorshchikova.
Nizhni Novgorod Medical State Academy. Russia.


Atherosclerotic vessels disorders of the lower extremities are the most common pathology in advanced age groups of patients. It is considered to be one of the manifestations that lead to non-healing trophic ulcers and even to gangrene, that might cause invalidism and in some cases result in fatal outcomes.


The common treatment to prevent atherosclerotic disorders and also the use of vasodilatators do not prove to be effective. Surgical interventions into vegetative nervous system provide a rare steady clinical effect either.


We have observed 17 patients, all of them being war invalids with IV grade peripherical disorden in lower extremities.The patients received 8 intraarterial injections of ozonated solution of reopolyglucini in the dosage of 400 mL combined with subcutaneous injections of gaseous ozone in the lymphatic zone. Patients with trophic ulcers were administered external ozonization in plastic bags.


By the end of the treatment all the patients noted significant improvement of their well-being with clinical evidence of the lack of pains or cramps in calf muscules and warming of the extremities.


There were registered temperature and tisssue PO2 and its blood volume. Intraarterial application of ozonated solution of reopolyglucini is characterized by high treatment efficiency, that allows to reduce considerably the duration of the treatment, quantity of necrotomies and emergency amputations.








A. Bykov; C. Kontorshchikova and E. Sycheva.
Central Clinical F.E.Dzerzhinsky Sanatorium, Sochi City, Russia.


The aim of the present work was to study the effect of the ozone therapy method, under conditions of subtropical climate of the Caucasian Black sea coast, on the degree of mobilization and adaptation of the cardio-vascular system reserves in patients with stenocardia, in the complex of spa therapy. The ozonized physiological solution was prepared using a "Medozon" equipment (Moscow City).


The course of ozone therapy included infusion of ozonized physiological solution (200 mL) with an ozone concentration of 1.0 to 1.5 mg/L, 2 or 3 times a week, 5 to 9 sessions. 134 patients with cardio-vascular pathology, 80 (the major group) with stenocardiac problems, were examinated and treated. All the patients underwent hemodynamic estimation, ECG and veloergometry test.


In the analysis of the chest reography, cardiac index, hemodynamics study, etc. an optimization of the blood circulation process were obtained. Improvement in the heart function was confirmed by the estimated of ECG: reduction or disappearance of ischemic changes; as well as by the veloergometry test. Analysing the obtained data we can confirm the high efficacy of ozone therapy method as a training factor that increase the functional reserves of the cardio-vascular system.


Ozone application obviously increases the functional economy of the blood circulation system (reduces the use coefficient of myocardial reserves and the oxygen need of myocardium) and its capacity (increasing organism’s tolerance to physical loads, increasing the scope of made work and left ventrical’s efficiency index).








A. Bykov, Claudia Kontorshchikova and E. Sycheva.
Central Clinical F.E. Dzerzhinsky Sanatorium, Russia.


In clinical sanatorium, 80 persons with ischemic heart disease: stable stenocardia of tension 1-11-111 received ozone therapy. The patients'age was 38 to 78 years. In the group under examination there were men (64,4 %) and women (35,6 %). All the patients received traditional spa treatment: climate therapy, dietetic therapy, hydrotherapy, balneotherapy, kinetotherapy, physiotherapy and pharmacological therapy if required, in combination with ozone therapy in the form of intravenous infusion of ozonized physiological solution.


The aim of this work was to study the dynamics of oxygen metabolism kinetic indices in the course of ozone therapy, using a method of transcutaneous polarography (role of oxygen consumption processes, state of microcirculation, oxygen balance in intercellular space, functional energy reserves of cells and the ratio aerobic and anaerobic processes).


All the patients were subdivided according to the initial state of tissue respiration into three groups: the first group - patients with inhibition of tissue respiration processes; the second group - patients with initially normal tissue respiration processes and the third group - patients with stimulation of tissue respiration processes.


The results show that, ozone therapy, for patients with initially inhibited (the biggest group, typical for patients with cardio-vascular pathology) and normal tissue respiration processes contributed in the correction of transport process pathology and utilization of oxygen by tissue, as well as in the normalization of the cell energy reserves. No reliable difference in treatment of patients with initially stimulated tissue respiration processes was observed.


Analysis of the indices of oxygen metabolism kinetics showed reliable efficacy of application of ozone therapy method in the treatment of patients with cardio- vascular pathology in the spa treatment complex in humid subtropical climate.








S. Kotov; A. Gustov and A. Mochalov.
Nizhni Novgorod Medical State Academy. Russia.


Opportunities of an after treatment in patients with an ischemic insult depend on the condition of the cerebral and central hemodynamics. The interaction of these factors were studied in patients treated with intravenous ozonized normal saline solution (ONS) with an ozone concentration of 300 µg/L.


In 85 patients with ischemic insult are shown that positive ultrasonic dopplerography dynamics was marked in 79 % of cases, in the acute period, and in 63 % of cases in the restoration period of ischemic insult.


It was shown a decrease in the intercerebral blood circulation asymmetry and in the circulatory resistance, as well as an increase of the cerebral circulation reactivity and a functional restoration of forward and backward connecting arteries in the Willis circle.


In this case linear blood velocity did not varied. The ONS infusions also promoted maintenance of the effective heart work. The stroke volume by the end of the treatment course has grown on 29 %, and the minute volume on 24 %. The general peripheral circulatory resistance has decreased on 31 %. As a whole, eukinetic type of circulation is 1,5 times more often after ozonetherapy.


Ozone therapy vascular effects provides an increase in the cerebral circulation stability and appreciably solves an hemodynamics reserve problem in patients with ischemic insult.








Claudia Kontorshchikova, O. Kukarina, A. Lebedeva and S. Kotov.
Medical Academy, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


This work represents the results of immunologic status investigations in patients with disseminated sclerosis in response to ozone therapy, by comparison with a control group. The data were estimated by application a monoclonal antibodies (MCA) panel: LT4 (CD4 ), LT-DR ( HLA - DR ), LT22 (CD22), LT8 ( CD8), LT3 ( CD3 ). The ozone therapy treatment consisted of 5-6 infusions - every other day - of an ozonized isotonic solution with ozone concentration being 290- 35- mcg/L of physiological saline solution.


Before the treatment of ozone therapy, the patients with disseminated sclerosis had, in difference to healthy persons, increase figures of CD22 in 100 % of cases, increase in CD8 in 60 % (in 40 % the data were in the normal range), decrease of CD4 in 70 %. These changes are inherent characteristics of autoimmune pathology, as disseminated sclerosis is.


After the ozone therapy, CD22 increased in 60 % of cases, though in 40 %, CD22 decreased to the normal levels, and this phenomen is due to individual reactions toward ozone therapy. CD8 increased in 100 % of cases, whereas CD4 regained the normal values in 70 % of patients. One month after finished the ozone therapy, all the indices returned to their original levels.


Both normalization of CD4 levels and activation of cellular immunity processes proved the validity of the inclusion of ozone therapy into the comprehensive treatment of disseminated sclerosis and, furthermore, the need for repeated courses of ozone therapy.








S. P. Peretyagin, A. A. Struchkov, A. L. Borisevitch, I. I. Ivanova and O. V. Kostina.
The Republic Burn Center of the Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Nyzhny Novgorod, Russia.


Ozone combined with the antioxidant "Bioskan" in the treatment of 41 patients (18 to 63 years) with deep burns (burned surface from 30 to 98 %) were studied. Intravenous infusion of ozone solution with an ozone concentration of 2000 - 4000 mcg/L and autohemotherapy (with single dose of ozone 500 - 700 mcg) were applied. At the same time the patients received 250 mg of "Bioskan", 2 - 3 times a day.


The clinical investigations showed high effectiveness of the combined therapy. In comparison with the results of the control group.


We observed a real decrease (by 1,5 - 2 times) of the products of lipid peroxidation, such as dienes and trienes congugates, Shiff`s Basis, leukocyte index of intoxication (by 3 times), level of middle molecule products (by 2 times) and also in the concentration of glucose, creatinin and urine in blood. The results of the acid-basis status and gas concentration in blood were improved too.


The examination of the main group of patients showed that at the end of the treatment the contents of total albumin had increased 22 % (in the control group, 18 %) and a tendency in the normalisation of the albumin fraction level is obtained.


An increase in the number of total lymphocytes in peripheral blood, as well as a positive change of the correlation of immunoregulating subpopulations (increase in the level of T-helpers and decrease in the level of T-supressors) were achieved. The use of ozone offers the possibility to reduce significantly the number of complications owing to critical burns.








V. Sergeeva, V. Vorobyov and C. Kontorshchikova.
Medical Academy of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.


We studied changes in lymphocytogram (absolute lymphocytes number, percentage relationship between different subpopulations of blood lymphocytes, shift of immature cellular forms, Gumprecht's bodies, monocytes/lymphocytes ratio) in burn patients with different depths (II to IV degrees) and lesion (32 to 75 % of body surface) over the ozone therapy sessions.


The lymphocytograms were evaluated in the morning of the session; 4 hours after; and in the next day. We took into account lymphocytograms of the patients without any other procedures, the day before, that could impact immunoactivity (blood red cells and plasma transfusions, intravenous transfusions of corticosteroids).


4 hours after the ozone infusion a redistribution reaction developed which manifested in a 2-3 times increase of the monocyte proportion, that return to the initial level the next day. Simultaneously, though not drastically, growing of neutrophilia was observed coupled with an increase in the stab neutrophils forms number.


The next day after the ozone therapy, lymphocytograms showed a rise in the shift of prolymphocytes and lymphoblasts. By this shift the extent of overall proliferative activity in the lymphoid system was judged: after ozone therapy, lymphocytes proliferation was growing. Besides, the figure of Tuerk's cells increased.


A clearly defined shift in the immunoactive cells compartment was achieved (an increase of basophilic immunocytes, the shift of proimmunocytes and immunoblasts).








Celso Maia Fiorini, Bruzadelli Sergio Macedo, João Evangelista Fiorini, Luciano Resende y Claudia Ferreira Cardoso Catelani. 
Universidade de Alfenas. Centro de Estudos do Ozônio. Alfenas, Brazil.


Fournier's syndrome (CS) is a rare condition characterized by progressive gangrene and can evolve rapidly to sepsis, with high mortality (20%). Presented as etiological factors: genitourinary infections, skin and perineal region, as well as predisposing factors and aggravating diabetes, alcoholism, neurological and neoplastic diseases. 


Surgical treatment should be instituted as soon as confirmation of the diagnosis, to prevent progression of gangrene and septicemia with consequent deterioration of the patient's general condition. The binomial associado early diagnosis to surgical treatment is associated with lower mortality, fewer damages and shorter hospital stay. 


Most authors are unanimous in asserting that these cases are difficult to resolve, even using the latest generation antibiotic. In order to increase tissue oxygenation, as well as taking into account the high germicidal power of ozone, its stimulating effect on circulation and cell metabolism was suggested local ozone therapy through ozonated vegetable oils and aqueous solutions ozonized. 


Referred to in tratamento of a male patient, aged 46, diagnosed with SF, with leucoderma, diabetes and uncontrolled blood count reveals severe infection with purulent drainage lesion despite antibiotic therapy and insulin administration. We used ozonated water daily (0.6 mg / L) followed by ozonated oil cures, covering the lesions with sterile Vaseline gauze. 


With this therapy the patient showed rapid formation of neovascular networks, disruption of purulent drainage and foul odor and disminuición the injured area. The patient was also subjected to cirurgia for approximating the edges of the wound and debridement of the same. The patient was discharged after 25 days.








Ozone Research Center.


The principal metabolites found in the urinary excretion product of the oral administration of the OLEOZON® (ozonized sunflower oil) in Wistar rats are the dicarboxylic acids between 7 and 12 carbon atoms. These acids come from the oleic and linoleic acid, main components of the triglycerides of the sunflower oil, after their ozonization and metabolism.


The ozonides and substances (aldehydes and peroxides) with structures of 9 and 12 carbon atoms obtained by ozonolysis of the oil were converted in dicarboxylic acids by a metabolic process in which participate different enzymes and the well known mechanism of b -oxidation of fatty acids.


The aim of this work is to study the profile of urinary organic acids in rats orally treated with patterns of ozonized triglycerides: the triolein and the trilinolein using the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to check the hypothesis of the origin of the dicarboxylic acids starting from these two triglycerides.


There were significant differences among the groups treated with the different ozonized patterns. The dicarboxylic acids present in increased quantities in the group treated with ozonized triolein were pimelic and azelaic acids; while in the group of ozonized trilinolein besides the previous ones the acids were: octenedioic, octanedioic, decenedioic and dodecenedioic.


These obtained results agree with those achieved in the study of urinary organic acid profile in rats orally treated with OLEOZON® , demonstrating that the origin of the dicarboxylic acids in the ingestion of this drug come from the oleic and linoleic acid, in principle.







OZ-P-129: fungicidal activity of O3 OLEOZON ® FROM SPECIES OF THE GENUS CANDIDA.

Ozone Research Center,
Institute of Tropical Medicine,
National Center for Scientific Research,
Hospital Ginecobstétrico.


Candidiasis is a very common disease in the population.  It was found that ozonized sunflower oil, OLEOZON ® , has antifungal activity on Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis . 


The aim of this study was to determine the antifungal activity of OLEOZON ® on species of Candida as C. albicans , C. krusei , C. glabrata , C. tropicalis , C. parapsilosis ,C. lusitaniae and C. kefir . 


We analyzed 132 strains, of which 80% were isolated from patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). For this purpose were determined Minimum Fungicide Concentration (MFC). Studies were conducted electron microscopy coupled to the kinetics of mortality. 


The results showed that OLEOZON ® has fungicidal effects on yeast species analyzed in this paper. CPM were obtained ranging in the range of 2.92 to 356 mg / mL. The process of mortality showed a first order kinetic and electron microscopy reflected damage level cell cytoplasm.








National Center for Laboratory Animal Production, Center for Toxicology and Animal Experimentation, Ozone Research Center.


The toxicity test class is an alternative assay in vivo for classifying the substance as its range of toxicity. In this case allowed to classify the OLEOZON ® . For which 12 rats were used in the subline Cenp: SPRD randomly distributed at the rate of six animals per experimental group, three of each sex. 


The animals were housed in plastic boxes of polycarbonate (Makrolon) type Tecniplast T 4 , maintained under conditions suitable for the species, with a temperature of 20 ± 4 ° C, relative humidity 70 ± 10% and photoperiod 12 h light-12 h darkness. The dosing was performed in a single dose via oral gavage at a rate of 2 000 mg / kg body weight of animals prior fasting for 12 h. 


The control group was administered the vehicle (sunflower oil) and treated (OLEOZON ® ). Were recorded daily clinical signs and body weight of individual animals prior to administration, and at 7 and 14 days of the trial. 


This substance caused no deaths or clinical signs, there was no difference in body weight, showed no gross lesions in cavities or organs at this dose. In sane with the Classification System of Acute Toxicity, according to the classification system, the substance is not classified, the DL50 is> 2 000 mg / kg body weight.







OZ-P-131: O3 ozonized theobroma oil AND DEXAMETHASONE ON THE REACTION IN RATS passive cutaneous anaphylaxis.

Ozone Research Center.


It has been found that the ozone administered rectally in mice significantly decreased the anaphylactic reaction, for this reason we decided to evaluate the suppressive effect of ozonized theobroma oil and dexamethasone (Dx) in Balb / c by developing the reaction of Anaphylaxis Passive Cutaneous in rats. 


The mice were divided into five groups of 10 animals each. Mice of groups (II, III, IV and V) were sensitized with a solution of 0.5 mg of ovalbumin and 200 mg of KAl (SO 4 ) 2 · 12 H 2 O / kg. The initial dose of awareness was repeated at 30 d. 


The first group (negative control), the second group (positive control), which received only awareness, treatment groups were the III, IV and V (ozonized theobroma 9 mg / animal vr), dexamethasone (Dx) 0.5 mg / kg by intraperitoneal route and virgin theobroma oil (9 mg / animal vr) respectively for 20 d. 


Sera from animals were obtained and stored at -70 or C. Subsequently proceeded to the anaphylactic skin test male Sprague Darley. Performed 30 min after intravenous injection of a solution of albumin with Evans blue was carried out the quantitative determination of dye contained in each of reaction sites. 


The results indicated that there is a statistically significant decrease in anaphylactic reaction in the group treated with ozonized theobroma oil, compared with the obtained in the positive control group, however there are also significant differences with respect to the group treated with dexamethasone. Therefore it is suggested that the substance tested was ozonated capable of intervening in the synthesis of specific anti-ovalbumin IgE.







OZ-P-132: HEALTH RECORD ON APPLICATION OF ozonized sunflower oil O3 "OLEOZON ® "IN THE epidermophytosis.

Ozone Research Center.


The vegetable oils have become means for the treatment with ozone. To ozonate these oils results in a series of chemical compounds which possess a germicidal character. The aim of our study was to obtain the sanitary registration of ozonized sunflower oil OLEOZON ® for the treatment of epidermophytosis. 


The culmination of veterinary led several steps: 1-Chemical-Pharmaceutical Studies (assembly and development of different techniques, study of stability, etc..). 2-Toxicological (irritability dermal phototoxicity, sensitization test, acute toxicity and subchronic dermal, genotoxic evaluation). 3-Pharmacological studies (antifungal and antibacterial activity, effect on dermatomycosis of the rabbit, healing action). 

4-Clinical trial. 

They conducted a randomized controlled phase III, randomized, open, which compared the OLEOZON ® with nizoral, in patients with epidermophytosis. Group A (100 patients) received topical application of OLEOZON ® , 2 times a day for six weeks. Group B received treatment with Nizoral, the same number of times and for a like period of time that the above product. Efficacy was evaluated clinically (disappearance of all lesions, with or without mycological examination negativity) and microbiologically (microbiolólgico test negativity). 


The overall assessment of the study, after 6 weeks of treatment, showed 75 and 81% efficiency for OLEOZON ® and Nizoral, respectively, without significant differences between groups. There were no cases of infection on added or adverse reactions. 


One may note that both drugs have equal efficacy in the treatment of epidermophytosis.  Registration was obtained OLEOZON ® for the treatment of epidermophytosis the May 12, 1999 with registration number 1498.







OZ-P-133: O3 OLEOZON ® EN LA periodontitis.

Centre Estomatológico "III Congress of the CCP",
Centro de Investigaciones of Ozone.


Periodontitis is a chronic immunoinflammatory process initiated by periodontogénicos germs that are part of the subgingival microbiota. Surgical treatment alone can not resolve the cure and prevention of recurrence of the disease, requiring action to assist their agents to control bacterial plaque. We report a case which is used OLEOZON ®, as a germicide, to assess their effects on the treatment of simple moderate periodontitis and preventing their recurrence. 


Was applied OLEOZON ® topically to the patient in the study, the area underwent surgery and at 7, 14 and 21 d after surgery in the adjacent periodontal tissues. 


He took a control patient which underwent conventional treatment with chlorhexidine (0.2% aqueous solution). Both were applied to analyze the rate Health (IAH), clinical examination, radiographic and microbiological controls, at baseline, 3 and 6 months of treatment. 


There was a better course and healing in the patient treated with OLEOZON ® . So far there has been no relapse, which appeared in the control patient at 6 months post-treatment. There were no adverse reactions.







OZ-P-134: EFFECTIVENESS OF O3 OLEOZON ® AT-induced mucositis cytostatic CHILDREN.
Centre for Research and Biological Assessment, Institute of Food and Drugs,
National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology.


In patients oncopediátricos due to repeated use of cytostatics, are ulcerations in the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract (mucositis). In his treatment hibitane and nystatin are used. As a new therapeutic alternative proposes the ozonated oil. 


A study of 36 children affected with cancer at the National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology. They were divided into two experimental groups, one treated with OLEOZON ® and the other with hibitane + nystatin, evaluating different clinical indicators. 


In 63% of those treated with traditional therapies ulcerations disappeared after 8 d of treatment with six daily cures, whereas OLEOZON ® 84%, with a maximum of three priests at 5 d showed a complete cure. The results indicate that the OLEOZON ® presents a superior clinical effectiveness with respect to hibitane and nystatin.








Establishment Plant Havana Meat Company,
Ozone Research Center.


A study in 24 patients with pyoderma, epidermophytosis, furunculosis, ulcers and traumatic wounds using a traditional method (antibiotic and antifungal ointments and cures dry) and OLEOZON ® . 


In the first quarter were treated 9 patients with the traditional method with a total of 87 d of work lost by medical certificates. There were 5.6% of total absenteeism by 3.7% of medical certificates, of which 3.3% corresponded to these 9 patients. This benefit is paid $ 224.00 in medical certificates.


In the second quarter were treated 15 patients with OLEOZON ® have not they need to present medical certificates and leave the job, healing all in less time compared with the group treated with tradicionles methods.


Absenteeism was 4.9% to 3.8% of which belonged to medical certificates, but none corresponded to the cases treated with OLEOZON ® . There were no recurrences in this group. 


It saved $ 371.80 by way of medical. Therefore, decreased absenteeism thus obtained an increased production with consequent economic gain.







OZ-P-136: A SOLUTION TO THE FOOT epidermophytosis.

Teaching HospitaL,
Ozone Research Center.


The dermatoficias fungal infections are sometimes resistant to treatment and enrolled in many cases with relapses, causing limitations and disability. Imidazole derivatives, broad-spectrum antifungal, expensive, therefore the search for new drugs for this disease still remains. 


Thanks to the fungicidal effect of ozonized sunflower oil (OLEOZON ® ) presents its application in the treatment of epidermophytosis feet, whose goal was to generalize its use in patients with this condition treated at the Hospital "Carlos J. Finlay "in 1998-1999, from outpatient medical examinations for health screening, medical fees and entered. 


504 patients were treated, curing 437 patients (86.7%). The most effective response, according to the clinical form was the scaly and macerated. There were no adverse effects.







OZ-P-137: TREATMENT OF OIL O3 ozonized pyoderma.

Teaching Hospital,
Ozone Research Center.


The pyoderma are skin conditions caused by pyogenic bacteria corresponding to 90% to Staphylococcus aureus coagulase positive and Streptococcus beta haemolyticus . Based on the best results obtained in preliminary studies with ozonized oil compared with neomycin ointment in primary and secondary pyoderma, a decision is widely applied. 


1098 patients were treated for pyoderma (1995 to 1999) with ozonized oil twice a day for 10 days. Healing was obtained in 997 patients (90.8%) without adverse effects.








Clinic Natural and Traditional Medicine.


The ozone-oxygen mixture has demonstrated bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal, being useful for treating diseases in which bacteria are involved. For this reason, we conducted a prospective open clinical trial in 190 patients with secondary piodermites diagnosed clinically and confirmed by the isolation of morphogenera and species of the causative agents by bacteriological examinations. These patients were selected outpatients between 1996 and 1997, randomly assigning them simple, without replacement, two treatment groups. 


Group 1 was applied fomentations of potassium permanganate (to 1 x 2 000) for 15 min three times a day and alibour cream. 


Group 2 was applied building ozonated water for 15 min three times a day. In both groups, treatment lasted 3 weeks, with weekly assessments for 21 d. 


The results showed a better response in the group treated with ozonated water, yielding a 92.9% efficiency and a higher cure rate in the first week. There were no adverse reactions to ozonated water.







OZ-P-139: O3 OZONE in retinitis pigmentosa and their influence on the therapeutic response.

National Reference Center of Retinitis Pigmentosa,
Ozone Research Center.


It was a prospective longitudinal analytic in patients with typical retinitis pigmentosa who received rectal ozone therapy (50 mg / L ozone for 15 sessions) to evaluate the influence of stage of disease on the perimetric response. 


Goldmann kinetic perimetry were performed at baseline and monthly for 6 months for each patient, taking as those improvements that increased the area of the stimulus Corresponding isopter Add 9, greater than or equal to 50% from baseline in 2 or more consecutive studies. In the stages early (I and II) (Group A) improved to 61.9% of subjects, while in the late stages (III and IV) (Group B) only 30.7% improved with statistically significant differences compare the proportions of subjects improved between Groups A and B (p = 0.01), and the number of improved in both groups (x 2 = 5.015, df = 1, p = 0.000 6). 


We conclude that the stage of the disease is a factor that influences the result of ozone therapy.







Source: Ozone Research Center





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